
著者名:Heike A. Bischoff-Ferrari, MD et al
文献タイトル:A Pooled Analysis of Vitamin D Dose Requirements for Fracture Prevention
雑誌名・書籍名:N Engl J Med
発行年: 2012; 367 : 40 – 9. 


プライマリエンドポイントは年齢層、性別、住居タイプ、試験で補正したCox回帰分析を行い、大腿骨頸部や非椎体骨折の発生率とした。主要目的は,すべての試験の治療群のビタミン D の実際の摂取量(各被験者の治療遵守と,試験プロトコール外でのサプリメント使用を含む)の四分位群のデータを,対照群と比較すること。

31022人の人(平均年齢76歳、91%が女性)のうち1111人が大腿骨頸部骨折を発症し、3770人が非椎体骨折を発症した。無作為に割り付けられたビタミンD投与群の参加者と、コントロール群に割り付けられた参加者との比較では有意差はなかった(ハザード比 0.90,95%信頼区間 [CI] 0.80~1.01)が大腿骨頸部骨折の発症のリスクが10%低下し、非椎体骨折のリスクは7%の減少を認めた(ハザード比 0.93,95% CI 0.87~0.99)。実際の摂取量の四分位群では,骨折リスクの低下は摂取量が最大の群(中央値 800 IU/日,範囲 792~2,000)にのみ認められ,大腿骨近位部骨折リスクは 30%低く(ハザード比 0.70,95% CI 0.58~0.86),あらゆる非椎体骨折リスクは 14%低かった(ハザード比 0.86,95% CI 0.76~0.96)。ビタミン D 摂取量が最大の群における有益性は,年齢層,住居タイプ,ベースラインの 25-ヒドロキシビタミン D 値,カルシウムの追加摂取で規定したサブグループ間でほぼ一貫していた。




著者名:Clark CE.et al. 
文献タイトル:Association of a difference in systolic blood pressure between arms with vascular disease and mortality: a systematic review and meta-analysis.
発行年:2012 Mar 10;379(9819):905-14.

European Society of hypertension、European Society of Cardiologyのガイドラインでは上腕血圧の左右差は末梢血管障害に起因するということをいっており、まずはじめに確認するようにという推奨があるが、それらを正当化するエビデンスに欠けていた。(この点がnovelであり、かつrelevantな点だと思われます。)

2011年7月以前に出版されたMedline, Embase, Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature, Cochrane, and Medline In Process databasesから、左右上腕の収縮期血圧の差について記されたもので、かつ鎖骨下動脈狭窄、末梢血管障害、脳血管障害、心血管障害、もしくは生存率についてデータがあるものを検索した。左右の上腕間の収縮期血圧とそれぞれの結果の間にある関連性を統合するために変量効果モデル※(random-effect model)を用いた。


○血管造影を用い、鎖骨下動脈狭窄(50%以上の狭窄)を証明するためには、左右の収縮期血圧の差の平均が36?9 mm Hg (95% CI 35?4-38?4)であった。
○左右差が10mmHg以上では鎖骨下動脈狭窄(50%以上の狭窄)と強い関連性があった。(risk ratio [RR] 8?8, 95% CI 3?6-21?2、P<0.0001)。 ○冠動脈造影結果と血圧左右差には有意な相関はなかった。(RR1.1, 95% CI 0.8-1.6、P=0.64) 非侵襲的な研究において、 ○冠動脈疾患の既往と血圧左右差の相関はない(figure2) ○15mmHg以上の左右差と各疾患との関連は以下の通りであった。 末梢血管障害(9cohorts; RR2?5,95% CI 1?6-3?8; sensitivity 15%,9-23;specificity96%, 94-98) (figure4.A)   脳血管障害の既往 (5 cohorts; RR 1?6, 1?1-2?4; sensitivity 8%, 2-26; specificity 93%, 86-97) (figure3)     ただし、10mmHg以上だと有意な相関なし、 15mmHg以上でも同時測定法だと有意差なし/同時ではない測定法だと有意差あり(上記)   心血管疾患による死亡率 (4 cohorts; hazard ratio [HR] 1?7, 95% CI 1?1-2?5) (figure5)   総死亡率 (4 cohorts; HR 1?6, 95%CI 1?1-2?3) (figure5) ○10mmHg以上の左右差と各疾患との関連は以下の通りであった。   末梢血管障害 (5 studies; RR 2?4, 1?5-3?9; sensitivity 32%, 23-41; specificity 91%, 86-94)(figure4.A) <解釈> 上腕の収縮期血圧左右差が10mmHg以上、もしくは15mmHg以上により、さらなる血管評価が必要な患者の同定に役立つ。15mmHg以上の左右差は血管疾患や死亡のリスクの有用な指標になりうる。 【開催日】 2012年7月4日


1Julius Centre for Health Sciences and Primary Care, University Medical Centre Utrecht, PO Box 85500, 3508 GA Utrecht, Netherlands;2Department of Geriatrics, University Medical Centre Utrecht
Validation of two age dependent D-dimer cut-off values for exclusion of deep vein thrombosis in suspected elderly patients in primary care: retrospective, cross sectional, diagnostic analysis
雑誌名・書籍名:BMJ 2012;344:e2985 doi: 10.1136/bmj.
発行年:e2985 (Published 6 June 2012)

To determine whether the use of age adapted D-dimer cut-off values can be translated to primary care patients who are suspected of deep vein thrombosis.

Retrospective, cross sectional diagnostic study.

110 primary care doctors affiliated with three hospitals in the Netherlands.
Participants 1374 consecutive patients (936 (68.1%) aged >50 years) with clinically suspected deep vein thrombosis.

<Main outcome measures>
Proportion of patients with D-dimer values below two proposed age adapted cut-off levels (age in years×10 μg/L in patients aged >50 years, or 750 μg/L in patients aged ?60 years), in whom deep vein thrombosis could be excluded; and the number of false negative results.

Using the Wells score, 647 patients had an unlikely clinical probability of deep vein thrombosis. In these patients (at all ages), deep vein thrombosis could be excluded in 309 (47.8%) using the age dependent cut-off value compared with 272 (42.0%) using the conventional cut-off value of 500 μg/L (increase 5.7%, 95% confidence interval 4.1% to 7.8%). This exclusion rate resulted in 0.5% and 0.3% false negative cases, respectively (increase 0.2%, 0.004% to 8.6%).The increase in exclusion rate by using the age dependent cut-off value was highest in the oldest patients. In patients older than 80 years, deep vein thrombosis could be safely excluded in 22 (35.5%) patients using the age dependent cut-off value compared with 13 (21.0%) using the conventional cut-off value (increase 14.5%, 6.8% to 25.8%). Compared with the age dependent cut-off value, the cut-off value of 750 μg/L had a similar exclusion rate (307 (47.4%) patients) and false negative rate (0.3%).

Combined with a low clinical probability of deep vein thrombosis, use of the age dependent D-dimer cut-off value for patients older than 50 years or the cut-off value of 750 μg/L for patients aged 60 years and older resulted in a considerable increase in the proportion of patients in primary care in whom deep vein thrombosis could be safely excluded, compared with the conventional cut-off value of 500 μg/L.



著者名:Derek J. Hoare, PhD et al.  
文献タイトル:Systematic Review and Meta-Analyses of Randomized Controlled Trials Examining Tinnitus Management.
発行年:121:1555?1564, 2011

・英国の健康省は耳鳴りの評価とマネジメントのためのGood Practice Guideを作成



検索に用いたデータベースは、PubMed、Cambridge Science Abstract ( Medline等含む )、EMBASE





Cohen’s d*を用いて効果量を計算した。
*negligible effect:-0.15 =120813_5




 RCTなし *情報提供/患者教育、リラクゼーション、CBT、TRTとして提供されている







<耳鳴り順応療法 (音治療とカウンセリング);TRT>







著者名:Garbutt JM, Banister C, Spitznagel E, Piccirillo JF.
文献タイトル:Amoxicillin for acute rhinosinusitis: a randomized controlled trial.
発行年:2012 Feb 15;307(7):685-92.

<Context >
Evidence to support antibiotic treatment for acute rhinosinusitis is limited, yet antibiotics are commonly used.

To determine the incremental effect of amoxicillin treatment over symptomatic treatments for adults with clinically diagnosed acute rhinosinusitis.
Design, Setting, and Participants  
A randomized, placebo-controlled trial of adults with uncomplicated, acute rhinosinusitis were recruited from 10 community practices in Missouri 
between November 1, 2006, and May 1, 2009.

<Interventions > 
Ten-day course of either amoxicillin (1500 mg/d) or placebo administered in 3 doses per day. All patients received a 5- to 7-day supply of symptomatic treatments for pain, fever, cough, and nasal congestion to use as needed.
Main Outcome Measures  
The primary outcome was improvement in disease-specific quality of life after 3 to 4 days of treatment assessed with the Sinonasal Outcome Test-16 (minimally important difference of 0.5 units on a 0-3 scale). Secondary outcomes included the patient’s retrospective assessment of change in sinus symptoms and functional status, recurrence or relapse, and satisfaction with and adverse effects of treatment. Outcomes were assessed by telephone interview at days 3, 7, 10, and 28.

A total of 166 adults (36% male; 78% with white race) were randomized to amoxicillin (n = 85) or placebo (n = 81); 92% concurrently used 1 or more symptomatic treatments (94% for amoxicillin group vs 90% for control group; P = .34). The mean change in Sinonasal Outcome Test-16 scores was not significantly different between groups on day 3 (decrease of 0.59 in the amoxicillin group and 0.54 in the control group; mean difference between groups of 0.03 [95% CI, −0.12 to 0.19]) and on day 10 (mean difference between groups of 0.01 [95% CI, −0.13 to 0.15]), but differed at day 7 favoring amoxicillin (mean difference between groups of 0.19 [95% CI, 0.024 to 0.35]). There was no statistically significant difference in reported symptom improvement at day 3 (37% for amoxicillin group vs 34% for control group; P = .67) or at day 10 (78% vs 80%, respectively; P = .71), whereas at day 7 more participants treated with amoxicillin reported symptom improvement (74% vs 56%, respectively; P = .02). No between-group differences were found for any other secondary outcomes. No serious adverse events occurred.

Among patients with acute rhinosinusitis, a 10-day course of amoxicillin compared with placebo did not reduce symptoms at day 3 of treatment.





文献タイトル:Incidence of adenocarcinoma among patients with Barrett’s esophagus
雑誌名・書籍名:A N Engl J Med.
発行年:011 Oct 13;365(15):1375-83.


Accurate population-based data are needed on the incidence of esophageal adenocarcinoma and high-grade dysplasia among patients with Barrett’s esophagus.

We conducted a nationwide, population-based, cohort study involving all patients with Barrett’s esophagus in Denmark during the period from 1992 through 2009, using data from the Danish Pathology Registry and the Danish Cancer Registry. We determined the incidence rates (numbers of cases per 1000 person-years) of adenocarcinoma and high-grade dysplasia. As a measure of relative risk, standardized incidence ratios were calculated with the use of national cancer rates in Denmark during the study period.

We identified 11,028 patients with Barrett’s esophagus and analyzed their data for a median of 5.2 years. Within the first year after the index endoscopy, 131 new cases of adenocarcinoma were diagnosed. During subsequent years, 66 new adenocarcinomas were detected, yielding an incidence rate for adenocarcinoma of 1.2 cases per 1000 person-years (95% confidence interval [CI], 0.9 to 1.5). As compared with the risk in the general population, the relative risk of adenocarcinoma among patients with Barrett’s esophagus was 11.3 (95% CI, 8.8 to 14.4). The annual risk of esophageal adenocarcinoma was 0.12% (95% CI, 0.09 to 0.15). Detection of low-grade dysplasia on the index endoscopy was associated with an incidence rate for adenocarcinoma of 5.1 cases per 1000 person-years. In contrast, the incidence rate among patients without dysplasia was 1.0 case per 1000 person-years. Risk estimates for patients with high-grade dysplasia were slightly higher.

Barrett’s esophagus is a strong risk factor for esophageal adenocarcinoma, but the absolute annual risk, 0.12%, is much lower than the assumed risk of 0.5%, which is the basis for current surveillance guidelines. Data from the current study call into question the rationale for ongoing surveillance in patients who have Barrett’s esophagus without dysplasia. (Funded by the Clinical Institute, University of Aarhus, Aarhus, Denmark.). 



著者名:Dudley Robinson, Linda Cardozo.
文献タイトル:Antimuscarinic drugs to treat overactive bladder. 
雑誌名・書籍名:BMJ 2012;344:e2130 doi: 10.1136/bmj.e2130.
発行年:Published 27 March 2012


 ①systematic review: 32のRCT(計6800名): 治癒または改善効果 RR 1.41, 95%CI 1.29-1.54
 ②Cochrane review: 61のRCT(計11956名): 治癒または改善効果 RR 1.39, 95%CI 1.28-1.51, NNT 7
 ③最新のsystematic review: 83のRCT(計30699名, 6種類の異なる薬剤):
・排尿コントロール可能…RR 1.3-3.5
・失禁回数…0.4-1.1回減少, 排尿回数…0.5-1.3回減少, 尿意切迫…0.64-1.56回減少

 ①systematic review : 149の論文: 内服開始後30日以内に43-83%が中断
 ②meta-analysis: prospective randomized trials:
・最も多いのはめまい(oxybutynin 3%, propiderine 3.2%, tolterodine 1.8%, placebo 1.6%)

・排尿障害:男性はその増悪を考慮, 女性はまれ。そのため、ルーチンの残尿モニターは不要

・UK National Health Serviceの評価:solifenacinが最もQALYが高かった

・内服開始前に充分にその副作用や内服以外の方法(Tips for patients下に記載)について話し合うこと

Cochrane review: 13の研究(計1770名): 
・症状改善効果…抗ムスカリン薬 vs 膀胱トレーニング RR 0.73, 95%CI 0.59-0.90
・症状改善効果…抗ムスカリン薬+膀胱トレーニング vs 抗ムスカリン薬 RR 0.55(0.32-0.93)
vasopressin analogue:Table1

Tips for patients
Overactive bladder is a common and distressing condition?Bladder retraining, lifestyle advice, and pelvic floor exercises should help to improve the symptoms of overactive bladder
Think about fluid intake and try to avoid caffeinated drinks, artificially sweetened carbonated drinks, and alcohol. Try not to drink too much (generally no more than 1.5 litres a day), and limit your fluid intake before bed
Your local continence advisory service will be able to provide you with tips for coping strategies and advice about containment products such as continence pads
Antimuscarinic drugs may be useful in addition to conservative measures when trying to control your bladder symptoms; these may be required long term as overactive bladder is a chronic condition
Antimuscarinic drugs may be associated with a dry mouth. Try sucking a sweet or chewing gum to increase salivation Constipation may also be associated with taking antimuscarinic drugs: it may be necessary to alter your diet or consider laxatives




猪飼周平:地域包括ケアの社会理論への課題. 2010






(1) 地域包括ケアシステムの両極性
(2) 目的を外部に依存するシステムとしての地域包括ケアシステム
(3) 高級なヘルスケアシステムとしての地域包括ケアシステム




Prostate-Cancer Mortality at 11 Years of Follow-up
F.H. Schroder and others(N Engl J Med 2012; 366 : 981 – 90.)


PSA検診は男性のがん検診として、一般的に用いられているが、USPSTFでは「死亡率の減少は期待できない」として推奨されている検査ではない。調べてみるとその根拠として米国のProstate,Lung,Colorectal,and Ovarian Cancer Screening Trial(PLCO)と、欧州のEuropean Randomized Study of Screening for Prostate Cancer(ERSPC)の2つの無作為化比較対照試験における結果が相反する結果となったため、USPSTFはPSA検診後の過剰治療などの不利益を問題視すべきだと判断し「推奨しない」という判断になったようだった。今回そのERSPCのさらに2年追跡した論文が出ていたので読んでみることとした。


欧州前立腺癌スクリーニング無作為化試験(European Randomized Study of Screening for Prostate Cancer)において,さらに 2 年間の追跡調査による最新の前立腺癌死亡率を報告する。

研究はエントリー時に 50~74 歳であった男性 182,160 例で,事前に規定した 55~69 歳のコアな年齢群の162,388 例で行われた.この試験は欧州 8 ヵ国で行われた.スクリーニング群に無作為に割り付けられた男性には PSA スクリーニング検査を施行し,対照群の男性にはそのようなスクリーニングは施行しなかった.転帰は前立腺癌死亡率とした.

コアな年齢における11年の追跡調査では、スクリーニング群における前立腺癌死亡リスクの相対的減少は 21%(rate ratio,0.79; 95% confidence interval [CI], 0.68 to 0.91; P = 0.001)であり、コンプライアンスの悪い人を補正すると29%であった。死亡数のARは1,000 人年あたり 0.10 例で,無作為化された男性 1,000 例あたり 1.07 例であった.追跡調査 10 年目・11 年目における前立腺癌死亡のRRは 0.62(95% CI 0.45~0.85,P=0.003)であった.追跡調査 11 年の時点での前立腺癌死亡を 1 例予防するには,1,055 例にスクリーニングへの参加を呼びかけ(the number of men who would need to be invited (NNI)),前立腺癌 37 個を発見する必要がある(the number of prostate cancers that would needed to be detected (NND))と考えられる.全死因死亡率に群間で有意差は認められなかった.

さらに 2 年間の追跡調査の解析により,PSA 検査に基づくスクリーニングを行うことで前立腺癌死亡は有意に減少するが,全死因死亡への影響はないという以前の結果が裏付けられた.




Toothbrushing, inflammation, and risk of cardiovascular disease: results from Scottish Health Survey
Cesar de Oliveira, research fellow in epidemiology and public health, Richard Watt, professor and honorary consultant in dental public health, Mark Hamer, senior research fellow in epidemiology and public health
BMJ 2010; 340 doi: 10.1136/bmj.c2451


To examine if self reported toothbrushing behaviour is associated with cardiovascular disease and
markers of inflammation (C reactive protein) and coagulation (fibrinogen).

National population based survey.

Scottish Health Survey, which draws a nationally representative sample of the general population living in
households in Scotland.

11 869 men and women, mean age 50 (SD 11).

<Main outcome measures> 
Oral hygiene assessed from self reported frequency of toothbrushing. Surveys were linked prospectively to clinical hospital records, and Cox proportional hazards models were used to estimate the
risk of cardiovascular disease events or death according to oral hygiene. The association between oral hygiene and
inflammatory markers and coagulation was examined in a subsample of participants (n=4830) by using general
linear models with adjustments.

There were a total of 555 cardiovascular disease events over an average of 8.1 (SD 3.4) years of follow-up,
of which 170 were fatal. In about 74% (411) of cardiovascular disease events the principal diagnosis
was coronary heart disease. Participants who reported poor oral hygiene (never/rarely brushed their teeth) had
an increased risk of a cardiovascular disease event (hazard ratio 1.7, 95% confidence interval 1.3 to 2.3; P<0.001) in a fully adjusted model. They also had increased concentrations of both C reactive protein (β 0.04, 0.01 to 0.08) and fibrinogen (0.08, ?0.01 to 0.18). <Conclusions> Poor oral hygiene is associated with higher levels of risk of cardiovascular disease and low grade inflammation, though the causal nature of the association is yet to be determined. 【開催日】 2012年2月25日