

Beck A, et al. Severity of depression and magnitude of productivity loss. Ann Fam Med. 2011;9(4):305-311.





ダイアモンド(DIAMOND:Depression Improvement Across Minnesota: Offering a New Direction)イニシアチブ(州民発案)、つまり、州を挙げてのうつ病ケアの強化を目的とした質向上協働活動に参加する患者からデータを取得した。抗うつ薬を新規に処方された患者について、PHQ-9(Patient Health Questionnaire 9-item screen)にてうつ症状の重症度、WPAI質問紙(Work Productivity and Activity Impairment)にて生産性の低下、更には健康状態や基礎情報などを評価した。


現在労働している771名の患者からのデータを分析した。基礎情報や健康状態を補正した一般線形解析では、うつ症状の重症度と生産性の低下の間に直線的な強い関連性があり、PHQ-9の1点の上昇に対して、平均で1.65%の更なる生産性低下が認められた(P<0.001)。軽微なうつ症状でさえも職務能力の低下と関連していた。フルタイムとパートタイムの雇用形態の相違、自己報告による労働状態の相違(まぁまぁ、悪い v.s. 素晴らしい、非常に良い、良い)もまた、生産性の低下と関連していた(各p<0.001とp=0.45)。





The PHQ-9 is a depression assessment tool which scores each of the 9 DSM-IV criteria as ‘0’ (not at all) to ‘3’ (nearly every day):
the PHQ-9 assessment tool been validated for use in Primary Care

the questionnaire is designed to assess the patient’s mood over the last 2 weeks:
over the last 2 weeks, how often have you been bothered by any of the following problems?
1) little interest or pleasure in doing things? 
2) Feeling down, depressed, or hopeless?
3) trouble falling or staying asleep, or sleeping too much? 
4) Feeling tired or having little energy?

5) poor appetite or overeating?

6) feeling bad about yourself – or that you are a failure or have let yourself or your family down?
7) trouble concentrating on things, such as reading the newspaper or watching television?
8) moving or speaking so slowly that other people could have noticed? Or the opposite – being so fidgety or restless that you have been moving around a lot more than usual?

9) thoughts that you would be better off dead, or of hurting yourself in some way?
for each of the nine tested criteria there are four possible answers: 

Not at all = 0 points

Several days = 1 point
More than half the days = 2 points
Nearly every day = 3 points

the maximum total score is 9×3 = 27 points and the patient’s score is thus a score out of 27 (e.g. 16 points = 16/27)
    depression severity is graded based on the PHQ-9 score:
0-4 None
5-9 mild
10-14 moderate
15-19 moderately severe
20-27 severe

