

Susan A Wheelan, Christian N. Burchill and Felice Tilin : The Link Between Teamwork and Patients’ Outcomes in Intensive Care Units AJCC 2003;12:527-534



Links between teamwork and outcomes have been established in a number of fields.
Investigations into this link in healthcare have yielded equivocal results.

<Theoretical perspectives>
In the context of social science literature, levels of teamwork and productivity have been linked to the concept of group development. The accumulated research evidence supports the general conclusion that groups move through 5 stepwise stages of development. Groups functioning at higher stages of development are more productive and more effective than groups at lower stages in accomplishing group goals.
The initial stage of development focuses on issues of inclusion and dependency; during this stage, members attempt to identify behavior acceptable to the leader and other group members.
The second stage described as a period of counterdependency and conflict. During the second stage, issues of power, authority, and competition are debated. Conflict with the leader and adequate resolution establish connection and openness among members. This stage also provides the opportunity to clarify areas of common values.
The third stage is devoted to the development of trust, increased collaboration and teamwork, and
more mature and open negotiation about goals, roles, group structure, and division of labor. 
The fourth, or work, stage is characterized by increases in group effectiveness and productivity. 
Groups that have a distinct ending point experience a fifth stage. Impending termination may cause disruption and conflict. Increased expression of positive feelings also may occur, and separation issues are discussed.

To examine the relationship between the level of self-identified teamwork in the intensive
care unit and patients’ outcomes.

Cohort study with questionnaire.

A total of 394 staff members of 17 intensive care units completed the Group Development
Questionnaire and a demographic survey. The questionnaire is a reliable and valid measure of team
development and effectiveness. Each unit’s predicted(from APACHE III system) and actual mortality rates for the month in which data were collected were obtained. Pearson product moment correlations and analyses of variance were used to analyze the data.

Staff members of units with mortality rates that were lower than predicted perceived their
teams as functioning at higher stages of group development(Table 6). They perceived their team members as less dependent and more trusting than did staff members of units with mortality rates that were higher than
predicted. Staff members of high-performing units also perceived their teams as more structured and
organized than did staff members of lower-performing units.

The results of this study and others establish a link between teamwork and patients’
outcomes in intensive care units. The evidence is sufficient to warrant the implementation of strategies
designed to improve the level of teamwork and collaboration among staff members in intensive care


I think this article is very important because it presented the direct association between teamwork and the patients’ outcome. We must pay attention to the deference of the setting, but the outcome to educate the co-ordination competency is indirectly shown.




Prostate-Cancer Mortality at 11 Years of Follow-up
F.H. Schroder and others(N Engl J Med 2012; 366 : 981 – 90.)


PSA検診は男性のがん検診として、一般的に用いられているが、USPSTFでは「死亡率の減少は期待できない」として推奨されている検査ではない。調べてみるとその根拠として米国のProstate,Lung,Colorectal,and Ovarian Cancer Screening Trial(PLCO)と、欧州のEuropean Randomized Study of Screening for Prostate Cancer(ERSPC)の2つの無作為化比較対照試験における結果が相反する結果となったため、USPSTFはPSA検診後の過剰治療などの不利益を問題視すべきだと判断し「推奨しない」という判断になったようだった。今回そのERSPCのさらに2年追跡した論文が出ていたので読んでみることとした。


欧州前立腺癌スクリーニング無作為化試験(European Randomized Study of Screening for Prostate Cancer)において,さらに 2 年間の追跡調査による最新の前立腺癌死亡率を報告する。

研究はエントリー時に 50~74 歳であった男性 182,160 例で,事前に規定した 55~69 歳のコアな年齢群の162,388 例で行われた.この試験は欧州 8 ヵ国で行われた.スクリーニング群に無作為に割り付けられた男性には PSA スクリーニング検査を施行し,対照群の男性にはそのようなスクリーニングは施行しなかった.転帰は前立腺癌死亡率とした.

コアな年齢における11年の追跡調査では、スクリーニング群における前立腺癌死亡リスクの相対的減少は 21%(rate ratio,0.79; 95% confidence interval [CI], 0.68 to 0.91; P = 0.001)であり、コンプライアンスの悪い人を補正すると29%であった。死亡数のARは1,000 人年あたり 0.10 例で,無作為化された男性 1,000 例あたり 1.07 例であった.追跡調査 10 年目・11 年目における前立腺癌死亡のRRは 0.62(95% CI 0.45~0.85,P=0.003)であった.追跡調査 11 年の時点での前立腺癌死亡を 1 例予防するには,1,055 例にスクリーニングへの参加を呼びかけ(the number of men who would need to be invited (NNI)),前立腺癌 37 個を発見する必要がある(the number of prostate cancers that would needed to be detected (NND))と考えられる.全死因死亡率に群間で有意差は認められなかった.

さらに 2 年間の追跡調査の解析により,PSA 検査に基づくスクリーニングを行うことで前立腺癌死亡は有意に減少するが,全死因死亡への影響はないという以前の結果が裏付けられた.



Robert Howard, M.D.  Donepezil and Memantine for Moderate-to-Severe Alzheimer’s Disease : NEJM 2012 ;366:10 893-903


Clinical trials have shown the benefits of cholinesterase inhibitors for the treatment of mild-to-moderate Alzheimer’s disease. It is not known whether treatment benefits continue after the progression to moderate(MMSE5~9)-to-severe(MMSE10~13) disease.

Design was multicenter, double-blind, placebo-controlled, clinical trial with two-by-two factorial design. The researchers assigned 295 community-dwelling patients who had been treated with donepezil for at least 3 months and who had moderate or severe Alzheimer’s disease (a score of 5 to 13 on the Standardized Mini?Mental State Examination [SMMSE, on which scores range from 0 to 30, with higher scores indicating better cognitive function]) to continue donepezil, discontinue donepezil, discontinue donepezil and start memantine, or continue donepezil and start memantine. Patients received the study treatment for 52 weeks. The coprimary outcomes were scores on the SMMSE and on the Bristol Activities of Daily Living Scale (BADLS, on which scores range from 0 to 60, with higher scores indicating greater impairment). The minimum clinically important differences were 1.4 points on the SMMSE and 3.5 points on the BADLS.

①D○ M×  = D10mg                               +  placebo M
②D×  M×  = D5mg(week1?4) → placebo D(week5?) +  placebo M
③D× M○  = D5mg(week1?4) → placebo D(week5?) +  M5mg→5mg up/wk →20mg max
④D○ M○  = D10 mg               +  M5mg→5mg up/wk →20mg max

The baseline characteristics of the participants in four treatment groups were broadly similar.
Patients assigned to continue donepezil, as compared with those assigned to discontinue donepezil, had a score on the SMMSE that was higher by an average of 1.9 points (95% confidence interval [CI], 1.3 to 2.5) and a score on the BADLS that was lower (indicating less impairment) by 3.0 points (95% CI, 1.8 to 4.3) (P<0.001 for both comparisons). Patients assigned to receive memantine, as compared with those assigned to receive memantine placebo, had a score on the SMMSE that was an average of 1.2 points higher (95% CI, 0.6 to 1.8; P<0.001) and a score on the BADLS that was 1.5 points lower (95% CI, 0.3 to 2.8; P=0.02). The efficacy of donepezil and of memantine did not differ significantly in the presence or absence of the other. There were no significant benefits of the combination of donepezil and memantine over donepezil alone.  ※The minimum clinically important difference in scores on the SMMSE was 1.4 points, on the BADLS was 3.5 points. <Conclusions> In patients with moderate or severe Alzheimer's disease, continued treatment with donepezil was associated with cognitive benefits that exceeded the minimum clinically important difference and with significant functional benefits over the course of 12 months. 【開催日】 2012年3月14日



Is Frequency of Shared Family Meals Related to the Nutritional Health of Children and Adolescents? PEDIATRICS Vol. 127 No. 6 June 1, 2011 pp. e1565 -e1574


To examine the frequency of shared family mealtimes in relation to nutritional health in children and adolescents.

 Four search engines were used to systematically locate empirical research: PubMed, PsycINFO, Web of Science, and the Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, conducted in 2009 with no year restrictions.
 Three categories were constructed on the basis of reported outcomes: weight status, food consumption, and disordered eating. Flowchart of the study-selection process is shown at Figure1. 
Meta-analytic methods were used. Pooled odds ratios were calculated. A random-effects model was used to estimate all outcomes.

  Table 1 lists descriptive information for the 17 included studies. The studies were conducted in the United States (n=12), Australia(n=1), Canada (n=1), Finland(n=1), Japan (n=1), and New Zealand(n=1). Fifteen studies reported cross-sectional findings, and 5 reported longitudinal findings. Analyses were performed separately for cross-sectional and longitudinal studies. The total sample size for all studies was 182 836 children and adolescents (mean sample age: 2.8 ?17.3 years). 
  Thirteen studies reported on the percentages of family meals, and the majority of families had meals together 5 to 7 nights per week (52%), 31% shared 1 to 4 meals together, and 14% did not share any meals together.
The frequency of shared family meals is significantly related to nutritional health in children and adolescents. Children and adolescents who share family meals 3 or more times per week are more likely to be in a normal weight range and have healthier dietary and eating patterns than those who share fewer than 3 family meals together. In addition, they are less likely to engage in disordered eating. Benefits include a reduction in the odds for overweight (12%), eating unhealthy foods (20%), and disordered eating (35%) and an increase in the odds for eating healthy foods (24%). (Table2)
  Two of the all five longitudinal studies had 5-year follow-ups, whereas the others reported on 3-year and 2-year follow-ups. Of the 4 studies that reported on longitudinal findings, only 1 reported significant findings. However, the OR for the meta-analysis is significant (0.93 [95% CI: 0.90?0.95]), which suggests that shared family meals are associated with 7% odds of reduction of overweight and disordered eating. (Figure2)

The results of this study suggest that shared family mealtimes offer nutritional benefits to family members. Health professionals are advised to encourage families to eat meals together.

 Future studies should develop interventions for families that struggle with health issues such as obesity and disordered eating and add focus on family mealtimes as a setting in which to promote better nutrition habits.
  The longitudinal studies included in this meta-analysis were few and focused mainly on overweight; more longitudinal studies need to be conducted to shed light on the potential long-term relationship between family meals and nutritional health.
Specific mechanisms of how family mealtimes influence related nutritional outcomes should be investigated.
  Future research should include more precision in the measurement of not only the frequency of family mealtimes but structural aspects of the family and who is present during meals.




「心理療法における支持」 青木省三 塚本千秋編著 日本評論社 2005年


元々、心理療法やカウンセリングの基本姿勢である支持療法については関心があった。たまたま今回、第8回笑い療法士発表会の特別講演として「人にかかわる営みの本質―自分自身をどう整えるか(日本臨床心理士会会長 村瀬嘉代子先生)」のプログラムがあり自己研修として聴講した。臨床医の姿勢として更なるヒントを得るため上記を読んだため共有する。










WONCA Europeの2011年版の家庭医療の新定義(6年ぶりの改定)


WONCA EUROPE 2011 Edition


2011年12月号の日経メディカルの葛西先生(福島県立医大)と草場理事長の対談記事で、”欧州各国の家庭医療学会が加盟するWONCA(World Organization of Family Doctors)Europeの家庭医療の定義(2011年改訂版)は「個人、家族、地域を志向する人間中心のアプローチを展開する」「地域の健康への独自の責任を持つ」「患者のエンパワーメントを促進する」など12項目の専門的特徴を掲げています。



1) Primary Care Management:プライマリケアを提供するためのマネジメント
(a) 全ての健康問題を扱う際に、ヘルスケアシステム中でまず最初に医学的な出会いをする場であり、そのために利用者にとって開かれていて制限を受けないアクセスが提供されている
(b) 協調されたケア、プライマリケアの場での多職種との協働、そして患者が必要とした時に擁護者としての役割として他の職種との仲介を行い、ヘルスケアの資源の効果的な利用を図る

2) Person-centered Care:人間個人を中心としたケア
(a) 患者個人、そしてその家族や地域に基づいて人間個人を中心にしたアプローチを発展させ提供する
(b) 患者の持つ力を強める (2005年には無かった特徴)
(c) 医師患者間の効果的なコミュニケーションを通して長期間の関係性を構築するという独特の外来プロセスを持つ
(d) 長期間のケアの継続性のための準備や対策に責任を持つ

3) Specific Problem Solving Skills:家庭医特有の問題への解決スキル
(a) 地域の疾患の有病率や罹患率に基づいた臨床推論と意思決定を行う
(b) 疾患の初期の未分化な状態にも対応する

4) Comprehensive Approach:包括的なアプローチ
(a) 患者個人の急性と慢性の健康問題に同時に対応する
(b) 適切かつ効果的な関わりによって健康と福利(幸福と利益)の両方を促進する

5) Community Orientation:地域志向
(a) 地域の健康に対する特有の責任を持つ

6) Holistic Modeling: 全体論的な表現の実践
(a) 健康問題は身体的・精神的・社会的・文化的・実存的な多次元の中で扱われる
2005年ではHolistic Approachであったが、2011年ではHolistic Modelingと変更(図のみ)


1. 背景的側面:医師自身やその職業的な環境という背景についての理解

2. 態度的側面:医師のプロフェッショナルとしての能力、価値観、感情や倫理観に基づく

3. 科学的側面:批判的かつ研究を基盤としたアプローチに適用する。それは生涯学習と質改善を通して実践し維持する




Toothbrushing, inflammation, and risk of cardiovascular disease: results from Scottish Health Survey
Cesar de Oliveira, research fellow in epidemiology and public health, Richard Watt, professor and honorary consultant in dental public health, Mark Hamer, senior research fellow in epidemiology and public health
BMJ 2010; 340 doi: 10.1136/bmj.c2451


To examine if self reported toothbrushing behaviour is associated with cardiovascular disease and
markers of inflammation (C reactive protein) and coagulation (fibrinogen).

National population based survey.

Scottish Health Survey, which draws a nationally representative sample of the general population living in
households in Scotland.

11 869 men and women, mean age 50 (SD 11).

<Main outcome measures> 
Oral hygiene assessed from self reported frequency of toothbrushing. Surveys were linked prospectively to clinical hospital records, and Cox proportional hazards models were used to estimate the
risk of cardiovascular disease events or death according to oral hygiene. The association between oral hygiene and
inflammatory markers and coagulation was examined in a subsample of participants (n=4830) by using general
linear models with adjustments.

There were a total of 555 cardiovascular disease events over an average of 8.1 (SD 3.4) years of follow-up,
of which 170 were fatal. In about 74% (411) of cardiovascular disease events the principal diagnosis
was coronary heart disease. Participants who reported poor oral hygiene (never/rarely brushed their teeth) had
an increased risk of a cardiovascular disease event (hazard ratio 1.7, 95% confidence interval 1.3 to 2.3; P<0.001) in a fully adjusted model. They also had increased concentrations of both C reactive protein (β 0.04, 0.01 to 0.08) and fibrinogen (0.08, ?0.01 to 0.18). <Conclusions> Poor oral hygiene is associated with higher levels of risk of cardiovascular disease and low grade inflammation, though the causal nature of the association is yet to be determined. 【開催日】 2012年2月25日



John G. Scott et al. Understanding Healing Relationships in Primary Care. Ann Fam Med July 1, 2008 vol. 6 no. 4315-322.


The first-year of fellowship has a lecture on “healing relationship” emerged from continuity of care. Healing relationship is difficult for me to understand because of lack of a corresponding experience.
It seems to take so much training, experience and wisdom as a family physician, and I have wandered what kind of training I should do. I found an article on healing relationships written in terms of required components of doctors, patients, and the relationships between doctors and patients. It would help me, a wandering family physician trainee.


Clinicians often have an intuitive understanding of how their relationships with patients foster healing. Yet we know little empirically about the experience of healing and how it occurs between clinicians and patients. Our purpose was to create a model that identifies how healing relationships are developed and maintained. 

Primary care clinicians were purposefully selected as exemplar healers. Patients were selected by these clinicians as having experienced healing relationships. The first author conducted all interviews. In-depth interviews, designed to elicit stories of healing relationships, were conducted with patients and clinicians separately according to a semistructured interview guide (Supplemental Appendixes 1 and 2). A multidisciplinary team analyzed the interviews using an iterative process, leading to the development of case studies for each clinician-patient dyad. A comparative analysis across dyads was conducted to identify common components of healing relationships 

Three key processes emerged as fostering healing relationships: (1) valuing/creating a nonjudgmental emotional bond; (2) appreciating power/consciously managing clinician power in ways that would most benefit the patient; and (3) abiding/displaying a commitment to caring for patients over time. Three relational outcomes result from these processes: trust, hope, and a sense of being known. Clinician competencies that facilitate these processes are self-confidence, emotional self-management, mindfulness, and knowledge. See table 3 and Figure 1 for details.







Eric J. Jacobs, al.Waist Circumference and All-Cause Mortality in a Large US Cohort.Arch Intern Med. 2010;170(15):1293-1301.



 対象者はCancer Prevention Study II Nutrition Cohortにおける男性48500人、女性56343人。
   ⇒baseline characteristics(table1)
  男性では…RR = 2.02; 95% CI, 1.71-2.39 (腹囲≧120cmと<90cmを比較して)  女性では...RR = 2.36; 95% CI, 1.98-2.82 (腹囲≧110cmと<75cmを比較して)  腹囲は全てのBMIにおいて死亡率に対して正に相関していた。(table2.) (Figure)  腹囲を10cm刻みに階層化し、BMIの階層とそれぞれ相関を検討した(table3.)   男性ではBMI18.5-25...1.16(95%CI,1.09-1.23) BMI25-30... 1.18(95%CI,1.12-1.24) BMI≧30...  1.21(95%CI,1.13-1.30)   女性ではBMI18.5-25...1.25(95%CI,1.18-1.32) BMI25-30... 1.15(95%CI,1.08-1.22) BMI≧30...  1.13(95%CI,1.06-1.20)   男性では全ての階層で相関の強さにさほどの差はないが、女性ではBMI正常群でより相関が強い。                                   (理由は不明) <Conclusion> BMIに関わらず、高齢者における死亡率の危険因子として腹囲は重要である。 【開催日】 2012年1月25日



Bogner HR, et al. Integrated Management of Type2 Diabetes Mellitus and Depression Treatment to Improve Medication Adherence: A Randomized Controlled Trial. Ann Fam Med. 2012;10(1):15-22.






 プライマリ・ケアの現場で2型糖尿病とうつ病に対して薬物治療を実施している180名の患者に対し、2010年4月から2011年4月にかけてRCTを実施した。患者は統合ケア介入群と通常ケア群に無作為に割り付けられた。統合ケアマネジャーは主治医と協働して教育、ガイドラインに基づく治療推奨を提供し、それに対する順守状況や臨床状態をモニターした。コンプライアンスはMedication Event Monitoring System(MEMS)によって評価された。血糖コントロールはHbA1c、うつ病はPHQ-9(the 9-item Patient Health Questionnaire)で評価した。

 統合ケア介入群と通常ケア群は基本情報では統計学的な相違はなかった。12週間経過した段階で、統合ケア介入群は通常ケア群と比較して、7%以下のHA1cレベルを有意に達成し(統合ケア群 60.9% vs 通常群 35.7%:p<0.001)、うつ病の緩解率も有意に改善した(PHQ-9<5の群:統合ケア群 58.7% vs 通常ケア群 30.7%:p<0.001)



・ 方法については追跡率も高く、ITT分析もされており、こうしたタイプの介入研究としては最大限の配慮ができていると考える。HCFMでの研究でも「家族志向型ケア」などを定義して、臨床研究する上で有効な枠組みである。

・ 結果は非常に明確で、薬物コンプライアンスの向上も合わせると、統合ケアが臨床上に有効であることを強く示唆するものとなっている。アウトカムも我々の日常診療と比較しても関連性が強く、適用しやすい。

・ 統合ケアモデルで示された30分×3回の専任担当者による面接、15分×2回の電話フォローアップをいかにして実現していくかがポイント。「生活習慣病指導管理料」によって得られた収入を当てればある程度現実的かもしれない。そのためには、対象者をうつ病罹患者以外にも拡大することが重要とはなるが。今後、診療報酬面でのサポートが重要であり、日本でも同様の研究を実施してデータを示したい。

・ 本日(2012年1月18日)では奇しくもうつ病と生活習慣病を抱えた患者に対する統合ケアという家庭医を特徴付けるアプローチに関する研究であった。以前取り扱った、患者-医師関係の深まり、今回の統合ケアとあわせて家庭医のとるアプローチに関するエビデンスが明らかになっていくことが期待される。


