

Googling for a diagnosis?use of Google as a diagnostic aid: internet based study
BMJ 333 : 1143 doi: 10.1136/bmj.39003.640567.AE (Published 10 November 2006)



To determine how often searching with Google (the most popular search engine on the world wide web) leads doctors to the correct diagnosis.


Internet based study using Google to search for diagnoses; researchers were blind to the correct diagnoses.

One year’s (2005) diagnostic cases published in the case records of the New England Journal of Medicine.

26 cases from the New England Journal of Medicine; management cases were excluded.

<Main outcome measure>
Percentage of correct diagnoses from Google searches (compared with the diagnoses as published in the New England Journal of Medicine).

Google searches revealed the correct diagnosis in 15 (58%, 95% confidence interval 38% to 77%) cases.


As internet access becomes more readily available in outpatient clinics and hospital wards, the web is rapidly becoming an important clinical tool for doctors. The use of web based searching may help doctors to diagnose difficult cases.


We selected a convenient sample of one year’s (2005) diagnostic cases presented in the case records of the New England Journal of Medicine. We excluded management cases. After discussion, we selected three to five search terms from each case record and entered them on a data sheet. We then did a Google search for each case while blind to the correct diagnoses (that is, before reading the differential diagnosis and conclusion of each case record). We selected and recorded the three most prominent diagnoses that seemed to fit the symptoms and signs. We then compared the results with the correct diagnoses as published in the case records.





R.K. Albert , et al. Azithromycin for Prevention of Exacerbations of COPD. The NEW ENGLAND JOURNAL of MEDISINE. 2011;8.25: 689-698.





増悪リスクは高いが、聴覚障害・安静時頻脈は認めず,補正 QT 間隔延長の明確なリスクを有しない COPD 患者を対象にアジスロマイシンによって増悪の頻度が低下するかどうかを検討することを目的として無作為化試験を行った。


1,577 例をスクリーニングし、その中で 1,142 例(72%)を1 年にわたり標準の治療とアジスロマイシン 250 mg/日を投与する群(570 例)とプラセボを投与する群(572 例)に無作為に割り付けた。1 年間の追跡を完了した患者の割合はアジスロマイシン群 89%,プラセボ群 90%であった。初回増悪までの期間の中央値は、アジスロマイシン群で 266 日(95%信頼区間 [CI] 227~313)に対し、プラセボ群では 174 日(95% CI 143~215)だった(P<0.001)。増悪の頻度は,アジスロマイシン群で患者・年あたり 1.48 回であったのに対し、プラセボ群では患者・年あたり 1.83 回であり(P=0.01)アジスロマイシン群における患者・年あたりの COPD 急性増悪発生のハザード比は 0.73(95% CI 0.63~0.84)であった(P<0.001)。St. George 呼吸器質問票(0~100 で,スコアが低いほど機能が良好であることを示す)のスコア改善はアジスロマイシン群のほうがプラセボ群よりも大きく(低下の平均 [±SD] 2.8±12.8 対 0.6±11.4,P=0.004),最小有意差である 4 単位以上の低下がみられた患者の割合は、アジスロマイシン群で 43%であったのに対し、プラセボ群では 36%であった(P=0.03)。聴力低下はアジスロマイシン群でプラセボ群よりも多く認められた(25% 対 20%,P=0.04)。また、気道におけるマクロライド耐性菌は優位に上昇(81%対41%)したが、肺炎発症には関与しなかった。


特定の COPD 患者では,標準治療に加えてアジスロマイシンを 1 年間連日服用することで,増悪の頻度が低下し QOL が改善したが、ごく一部の患者で聴力低下が生じた。この介入によって微生物の薬剤耐性パターンが変化する可能性があるが、それによる影響は不明である。






Effect of high flow oxygen on mortality in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease patients in prehospital setting: randomised controlled trial; BMJ 2010;341:c5462

クラスターランダム化比較試験。研究期間中にRoyal Hobart Hospitalに入院したCOPD急性増悪の患者で、救急救命士の治療を受けていた405名を対象とした。
 患者数   (A)226名 (B)179名
 COPD患者数(A)117名 (B)97名
 全死亡率  (A)9%(21名) (B)4%(7名)
 COPD患者の死亡率(A)9%(11名) (B)2%(2名)
 全患者    Relative risk 0.42 (95%信頼区間 0.20-0.89; P=0.02)
 COPD患者  Relative risk 0.22 (95%信頼区間 0.05-0.91; P=0.04)




Adriana Buitrago-Lopez et al: Chocolate consumption and cardiometabolic disorders: systematic review and meta-analysis. BMJ 2011; 343:d4488



To evaluate the association of chocolate consumption with the risk of developing cardiometabolic disorders.


Systematic review and meta-analysis of randomised controlled trials and observational studies.

<Data sources>

Medline, Embase, Cochrane Library, PubMed, CINAHL, IPA, Web of Science, Scopus, Pascal, reference lists of relevant studies to October 2010, and email contact with authors.

<Study selection>

Randomised trials and cohort, case-control, and cross sectional studies carried out in human adults, in which the association between chocolate consumption and the risk of outcomes related to cardiometabolic disorders were reported.

<Data extraction>
Data were extracted by two independent investigators, and a consensus was reached with the involvement of a third. The primary outcome was cardiometabolic disorders, including cardiovascular disease (coronary heart disease and stroke), diabetes, and metabolic syndrome. A meta-analysis assessed the risk of developing cardiometabolic disorders by comparing the highest and lowest level of chocolate consumption.


From 4576 references seven studies met the inclusion criteria (including 114 009 participants). None of the studies was a randomized trial, six were cohort studies, and one a cross sectional study. Large variation was observed between these seven studies for measurement of chocolate consumption, methods, and outcomes evaluated. Five of the seven studies reported a beneficial association between higher levels of chocolate consumption and the risk of cardiometabolic disorders. The highest levels of chocolate consumption were associated with a 37% reduction in cardiovascular disease (relative risk 0.63 (95% confidence interval 0.44 to 0.90)) and a 29% reduction in stroke compared with the lowest levels.


Based on observational evidence, levels of chocolate consumption seem to be associated with a substantial reduction in the risk of cardiometabolic disorders. Further experimental studies are required to confirm a potentially beneficial effect of chocolate consumption.





Julia Hippisley-Cox.Development and validation of risk prediction algorithm (QThrombosis) to estimate future risk of venous thromboembolism: prospective cohort study.BMJ 2011;343:d4656 doi: 10.1136/bmj.d4656







Prospective open cohort study
  Calibration(較正)とdiscrimination(識別)を測定するため、validation cohortを用いた。


QReserchデータベース上のイングランドとウェールズにある564か所の家庭医(general practices)



Derivation cohort(解析群):
割り付け 2,598,829人-exclusion=2,314,701人が対象。

Validation cohort(検証群):

割り付け 1,354,517人-exclusion=1,240,602人が対象。
Baselineのcharacteristic ⇒ Table1参照



このモデルは良く較正されていると言える。(well calibrated) ⇒ Table3


R2 statistic:女性においては33%、男性においては34%

D statistic:女性では1.43、男性では1.45であった。
ROC statistic:両性別で0.75であった。



QThrombosisR risk calculator





Effect of intensive glucose lowering treatment on all cause mortality, cardiovascular death, and microvascular events in type 2 diabetes: meta-analysis of randomised controlled trials
 BMJ 2011;343:d4169 doi: 10.1136/bmj.d4169













結果はrisk ratio(99%信頼区間)として報告した。統計学的異質性はカイ二乗検定など。fixed effect modelで統合した。厳密な血糖降下治療と通常のコントロールの比較は、fixed effect modelで評価した。かくRCTの質はJadad scoreで評価した。


13の研究が採用された。34533人の患者のうち、18315人が厳密な血糖降下治療をうけ、16218人が通常の治療を受けた。厳密な血糖降下治療は全死亡に大きな影響はもたらさなかった(RR:1.04、99%信頼区間:0.91?1.19)。心血管系死亡も同様であった(1.11、0.86?1.43)。しかし、厳密な血糖降下治療は、非致死的なAMIを減少させた(0.85、0.74?0.96、P<0.001)。また微量アルブミン尿も減少させた(0.90、0.85?0.96、P<0.001)。しかし重症な低血糖が2倍だった(2.33、1.62?3.36、P<0.001)。5年間で、1人の心筋梗塞を防ぐために117人?150人の治療が必要。微量アルブミン尿も同様に32人?142人の治療が必要。しかしこれをすると、15人?52人に1人の割合で毎年重症な低血糖が起きる(NNH=15?52)。質の高い研究(Jadad scoreで3点以上)に限ると、うっ血性心不全の危険性が47%増加する。 






Slowing Global Warming: Benefits for Patients and the Planet
CINDY L. PARKER, MD, MPH, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, Baltimore, Maryland
American Family Physician  Volume 84, Number 3 ◆ August 1, 2011


Global warming will cause significant harm to the health of persons and their communities by compromising food and water supplies; increasing risks of morbidity and mortality from infectious diseases and heat stress; changing social determinants of health resulting from extreme weather events, rising sea levels, and expanding flood plains; and worsening air quality, resulting in additional morbidity and mortality from respiratory and cardiovascular diseases. Vulnerable populations such as children, older persons, persons living at or below the poverty level, and minorities will be affected earliest and greatest, but everyone likely will be affected at some point. Family physicians can help reduce greenhouse gas emissions, stabilize the climate, and reduce the risks of climate change while also directly improving the health of their patients. Health interventions that have a beneficial effect on climate change include encouraging patients to reduce the amount of red meat in their diets and to replace some vehicular transportation with walking or bicycling. Patients are more likely to make such lifestyle changes if their physician asks them to and leads by example. Medical offices and hospitals can become more energy efficient by recycling, purchasing wind-generated electricity, and turning off appliances, computers, and lights when not in use. Moreover, physicians can play an important role in improving air quality and reducing greenhouse gas emissions by advocating for enforcement of existing air quality regulations and working with local and national policy makers to further improve air quality standards, thereby improving the health of their patients and slowing global climate change.





Robert A. Bell, et al. Suffering in Silence: Reasons for Not Disclosing Depression in Primary Care. Ann Fam Med. 2011;9(5):439 -446.


日本の重要な社会問題として自殺があり、その原因となるうつ病の早期診断・治療がプライマリ・ケア医の仕事として期待されている。ただ外来の場面で診断することは簡単ではなく、時には診断が遅れたり、複数回の面接を重ねてようやく診断に至るCaseも少なくない。今回うつ病患者がその症状を語らない要因を分析した興味深い論文を見つけた。外来の問診の改善やFCG(Finding Common Ground)に至るプロセスの参考になったため共有する。




California Behavioral Risk Factor Survey Systemの中から、ランダムに選びだした対象者のうち2008年1月から6月に回答し再調査に承諾を得た1054名の成人を対象に、2008年の7月から12月にかけてフォローアップ調査として電話インタビューを実施した。




また無症状・低症状(PHQ-9が0~9)の患者に比べ、中等症~重症(PHQ-9が10~27)の患者は11の障壁のうち10でより多くの障壁を抱えていた(all P values=.014)[Table4]。






Television Viewing and Risk of Type2 Diabetes, Cardiovascular Disease, and All-Cause Mortality. A Meta-analysis. JAMA, 2011;305(23):2448-2455



To determine the association between TV viewing and risk of type2 diabetes, fatal or nonfatal cardiovascular disease, and all-cause mortality, a meta-analysis of all prospective cohort studies were performed. And the dose-response relationship between TV viewing with the risk of these health outcomes was quantified.

<Data Sources and Study Selection]
Relevant studies were identified by searches of the MEDLINE database from 1970 to March 2011 and the EMBASE database from 1974 to March 2011 without restrictions and by reviewing reference lists from retrieved articles. Cohort studies that reported relative risk estimates with 95% confidence intervals (CIs) for the associations of interest were included.

<Data Extraction>

Data were extracted independently by each author and summary estimates of association were obtained using a random-effects model.

<Data Synthesis>

Of the 8 studies included, 4 reported results on type 2 diabetes (175 938 individuals; 6428 incident cases during 1.1 million person-years of follow-up), 4 reported on fatal or nonfatal cardiovascular disease (34 253 individuals; 1052 incident cases), and 3 reported on all-cause mortality (26 509 individuals; 1879 deaths during 202 353 person-years of follow-up) (Figure1). The mean (SD) follow-up duration was 8.5(1.9) years for type2 diabetes, 10.4(7.4) years for fatal or nonfatal cardiovascular disease, and 6.8(2.6) years for all-cause mortality. Outcome assessment was Self-report for Type2 diabetes, Registry for Cardiovascular disease and All-cause mortality (Table).
The pooled relative risks per 2 hours of TV viewing per day were 1.20 (95% CI, 1.14-1.27) for type 2 diabetes, 1.15 (95% CI, 1.06-1.23) for fatal or nonfatal cardiovascular disease, and 1.13 (95% CI, 1.07-1.18) for all-cause mortality (Figure2). While the associations between time spent viewing TV and risk of type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease were linear, the risk of all-cause mortality appeared to increase with TV viewing duration of greater than 3 hours per day (Figure3). The estimated absolute risk differences per every 2 hours of TV viewing per day were 176 cases of type 2 diabetes per 100 000 individuals per year, 38 cases of fatal cardiovascular disease per 100 000 individuals per year, and 104 deaths for all-cause mortality per 100 000 individuals per year (based on incidence rate in the United States).


Longer duration of TV viewing time is consistently associated with higher risk of type 2 diabetes, fatal or non fatal cardiovascular disease, and all-cause mortality. Further study is needed to determine whether reducing prolonged TV viewing can prevent chronic disease morbidity and mortality.


The followings are the limitation of this study; A possibility of publication bias, the relatively small number of studies, the possibility of residual or unmeasured confounding, the possibility of the participants with subclinical stages of chronic disease, Single point measurement (the assessment of TV viewing relied on self-report at baseline), inappropriate control for physical activity, and miss of studies (eg, non-English-language studies).





Beck A, et al. Severity of depression and magnitude of productivity loss. Ann Fam Med. 2011;9(4):305-311.





ダイアモンド(DIAMOND:Depression Improvement Across Minnesota: Offering a New Direction)イニシアチブ(州民発案)、つまり、州を挙げてのうつ病ケアの強化を目的とした質向上協働活動に参加する患者からデータを取得した。抗うつ薬を新規に処方された患者について、PHQ-9(Patient Health Questionnaire 9-item screen)にてうつ症状の重症度、WPAI質問紙(Work Productivity and Activity Impairment)にて生産性の低下、更には健康状態や基礎情報などを評価した。


現在労働している771名の患者からのデータを分析した。基礎情報や健康状態を補正した一般線形解析では、うつ症状の重症度と生産性の低下の間に直線的な強い関連性があり、PHQ-9の1点の上昇に対して、平均で1.65%の更なる生産性低下が認められた(P<0.001)。軽微なうつ症状でさえも職務能力の低下と関連していた。フルタイムとパートタイムの雇用形態の相違、自己報告による労働状態の相違(まぁまぁ、悪い v.s. 素晴らしい、非常に良い、良い)もまた、生産性の低下と関連していた(各p<0.001とp=0.45)。





The PHQ-9 is a depression assessment tool which scores each of the 9 DSM-IV criteria as ‘0’ (not at all) to ‘3’ (nearly every day):
the PHQ-9 assessment tool been validated for use in Primary Care

the questionnaire is designed to assess the patient’s mood over the last 2 weeks:
over the last 2 weeks, how often have you been bothered by any of the following problems?
1) little interest or pleasure in doing things? 
2) Feeling down, depressed, or hopeless?
3) trouble falling or staying asleep, or sleeping too much? 
4) Feeling tired or having little energy?

5) poor appetite or overeating?

6) feeling bad about yourself – or that you are a failure or have let yourself or your family down?
7) trouble concentrating on things, such as reading the newspaper or watching television?
8) moving or speaking so slowly that other people could have noticed? Or the opposite – being so fidgety or restless that you have been moving around a lot more than usual?

9) thoughts that you would be better off dead, or of hurting yourself in some way?
for each of the nine tested criteria there are four possible answers: 

Not at all = 0 points

Several days = 1 point
More than half the days = 2 points
Nearly every day = 3 points

the maximum total score is 9×3 = 27 points and the patient’s score is thus a score out of 27 (e.g. 16 points = 16/27)
    depression severity is graded based on the PHQ-9 score:
0-4 None
5-9 mild
10-14 moderate
15-19 moderately severe
20-27 severe

