
– 文献名 –
 John Brodersen, Volkert D Siersma. Long-Term
Psychosocial Consequences of False-Positive Screening Mammography. Ann Fam Med

– この文献を選んだ背景 –

 以前,Journal Clubで高齢者に対して便潜血検査を行うことは全体としてはharmが多いことを取り上げた.以来,スクリーニング検査についてはそのharmの面に注意を払うことが多くなった.そんな中で乳がん検診擬陽性者の長期的な心理社会的影響を取り扱った文献にであった.心理社会的影響をharmとして扱う研究を知らなかったので関心を持って読むことにした.

– 要約 –



3年間の追跡期間を設定したコホート研究.1年かけて454名の乳がん検診の異常所見者を対象として採用した.1名の採用につき2名,同日に同じクリニックで乳がん検診を受診した無所見者2名を採用した(Figure 1).これらの参加者に対して,the Consequences of Screening in Breast Cancer(COS-BC; 12の心理社会的影響を測定する妥当性が評価済みの質問紙)への記入を研究開始時,1か月後,6か月後,18か月後,36か月後の時点で依頼した.

最終診断後6か月において擬陽性者の「自身の存在価値」や「心の静寂性」の変化は乳がん患者のそれと変わりがないことが分かった(それぞれΔ=1.15; P=0.015,Δ=0.13: P=0.423).がんではないことが証明された3年後であってもマンモグラフィーの擬陽性者は12項目すべての心理社会的影響のアウトカムおいて陰性者と比較して有意にネガティブな心理社会的影響を受けていることが示された(12項目全てのアウトカムについてΔ>0,12項目中4項目においてP <0.01)(Table 2). 【結論】 マンモグラフィーによるスクリーニングによる擬陽性の結果には長期にわたる心理社会的な有害性がある.擬陽性の診断を受けた3年後の影響は陰性者のものと乳がん患者のものと間にある. - 考察とディスカッション -  費用対効果に優れ,対象とする疾患による死亡率を減少させるエビデンスの存在する「スクリーニング」はその実施が正当化され,受診率を向上させるべく私たち保健・医療職はますとしての住民に対しては受診を推奨している.しかし,日常の診療においては費用や死亡率からみたスクリーニングの利点に盲目的に従うのではなく, harm,例えばスクリーニング検査による苦痛やfalse positiveにより生じる無駄な検査,苦痛,心理的影響などについても患者と情報を共有し個別に相談していくべきものでもある.そのことについてあらためて考えさせられる文献であった. ↓ クリックすると画像全体が表示されます。 130726_4

↓ クリックすると画像全体が表示されます。

↓ クリックすると画像全体が表示されます。


The effect of shared decision making on the screening of PSA

― Literature ―
 Paul K.J, et al. National Evidence on the Use of Shared Decision Making in Prostate-Specific Antigen Screening. Ann Fam Med July/August 2013 vol. 11 no. 4 306-314.

― Context for selection ―
 In our fellowship and residency of family medicine, we teach shared decision making in the most important of component 3 in PCCM and evaluate it through video review. We know some evidence about the impact of shared decision making on many health indexes. But more evidences are needed in the world of family medicine to explain its importance to various disciplines of medicine. This article attracted me so much.

― Summary ―
 PURPOSE Recent clinical practice guidelines on prostate cancer screening using the prostate-specific antigen (PSA) test (PSA screening) have recommended that clinicians practice shared decision making–a process involving clinician-patient discussion of the pros, cons, and uncertainties of screening. We undertook a study to determine the prevalence of shared decision making in both PSA screening and nonscreening, as well as patient characteristics associated with shared decision making.

METHODS A nationally representative sample of 3,427 men aged 50 to 74 years participating in the 2010 National Health Interview Survey responded to questions on the extent of shared decision making (past physician-patient discussion of advantages, disadvantages, and scientific uncertainty associated with PSA screening), PSA screening intensity (tests in past 5 years), and sociodemographic and health-related characteristics.

RESULTS Nearly two-thirds (64.3%) of men reported no past physician-patient discussion of advantages, disadvantages, or scientific uncertainty (no shared decision making); 27.8% reported discussion of 1 to 2 elements only (partial shared decision making); 8.0% reported discussion of all 3 elements (full shared decision making). Nearly one-half (44.2%) reported no PSA screening, 27.8% reported low-intensity (less-than-annual) screening, and 25.1% reported high-intensity (nearly annual) screening. Absence of shared decision making was more prevalent in men who were not screened; 88% (95% CI, 86.2%-90.1%) of nonscreened men reported no shared decision making compared with 39% (95% CI, 35.0%-43.3%) of men undergoing high-intensity screening. Extent of shared decision making was associated with black race, Hispanic ethnicity, higher education, health insurance, and physician recommendation. Screening intensity was associated with older age, higher education, usual source of medical care, and physician recommendation, as well as with partial vs. no or full shared decision making.

CONCLUSIONS Most US men report little shared decision making in PSA screening, and the lack of shared decision making is more prevalent in non-screened than in screened men. Screening intensity is greatest with partial shared decision making, and different elements of shared decision making are associated with distinct patient characteristics. Shared decision making needs to be improved in decisions for and against PSA screening.

― Discussion ―
 This article told us some important insights about shared decision making. First of all, shared decision making promotes screening effectively. The second, full shared decision making is associated with both non-screening and screening probably based on patients’ preferences and expectation about preventive care. The third, the definition of shared decision making is not yet established, so, we can explore best definition of shared decision making in future study. 
 It is often stated that the importance of family medicine is comprehensiveness, continuity and community-oriented care. But we cannot dismiss the importance of PCCM, especially component 3 “Finding common ground”. Japanese people have been often said to obey doctors’ opinion without their preference. But this comment gradually mismatches the reality of our practice. They also have their opinion and their preference and acknowledge the role of shared decision making. Don’t you think so? At that time, we can explore the style and role of shared decision making in Japanese medical culture. I am really interested in this theme. Let’s create evidence!



― 文献名 ―
 Are journal clubs effective in supporting evidence-based decision making? A systematic review. BEME Guide No. 16.
J. Harris et al. Med Teach 2011;33(1):9-23

― この文献を選んだ背景 ―
 Since 2012, weekly lecture for residents have launched and I’ve performed interactive lecture and on-site practice of about EBM for three times. In the evaluation with questionnaire, I found that residents felt somewhat difficult to perform 5 step of EBM in their daily practice. Therefore, I would try to improve the educational method and strategy this year. For the first step, I search for the best evidence of teaching EBM, and found this paper.

― 要約 ―
 Research background;A journal club (JC) is an interactive approach to making sense of evidence, which is commonly defined as ‘a group of individuals who meet regularly to discuss the clinical applicability of articles in current medical journals’ (Linzer 1987).
 Their popularity can be attributed to a number of perceived benefits -they help students and practitioners to keep up to date with health care literature, become more critical consumers of research evidence, and become better practitioners. Positive attitudes about JCs have changed little over the past 15 years.
 Although education research would support a JC approach, there is little direct evidence that JCs are actually effective in reaching their stated goals.
 Research Question;Is the JC effective in supporting EB decision making? Is it possible to determine which elements of a JC contribute to effectiveness?
 Search strategies;The search strategy was developed using Medline (Table 3) and adapted for the requirements of other databases. Bibliographies of relevant publications and review articles were scanned and relevant references were retrieved. No language restrictions were applied.
Inclusion/exclusion criteria:See Table2.
Findings:18 papers were included in the final review. Of those, 17 were for postgraduates and 1 was for both undergraduates and postgraduates. Since there was a wide range of heterogeneity of the JC intervention, authors judged it was difficult to perform meta-analysis.

(1)Main findings;The included studies reported improvements in reading behaviour (N= 5/11), increased confidence in critical appraisal (N=7/7), improved test scores on critical appraisal (N=5/7), and increased ability to use findings in clinical practice (N=5/7).
They concluded that they couldn’t judge JCs are effective in supporting EB decision making, because only seven studies attempted to measure this endpoint and they relied on self-report.

(2)Methodological weaknesses are below.
 1.The description of the interventions lacks attention to detail, preventing adequate replication. 
 2.There was a paucity of learner assessment and few validated tools were used for quantitative assessment.
 3.The large variation in JC design and delivery limits comparison.

(3)Identifying active ingredients;
Analysis of the various elements contained in JCs produced a cluster of elements that may contribute to the overall effect. These were termed active ingredients, and included mentoring, didactic support, use of structured review instruments, adhering to principles of adult learning, using multifaceted approaches to learning, and integrating learning with other academic and clinical activities.

(4)Implications for practice
Our review illustrates that JCs are used widely across different sectors of the healthcare and used in a variety of different ways. Active ingredients are found at each stage of the educational intervention (The author applied five elements model of educational intervention and describes the results of this review about each facet in Table 4).
For example, if a JC is being designed for residents, the content should be directly applicable to patient cases they find problematic, enabling application of evidence in a real-time setting; didactic support could be provided based on an educational needs assessment (e.g. for statistical support). Critical appraisal and discussion of clinical applicability could be facilitated by senior clinicians who are in supervisory positions, enabling the transfer of discussion into practice.

― 考察とディスカッション ―
 Now I plan on-line EBM WS for residents this year, this article has given me several hints. Although some of those are same as other educational sessions like adult learning and multifaceted approaches to teaching, others have some practical implication for me.
1. I would like to pay more attention on individual learners’ needs. I’ve already sent some questionnaire to know their knowledge and practice of EBM.
2. I would like to change the contents more relevant to their daily patient cases. I will discard the discussion based on the case scenario and start with gathering and evaluating their daily clinical questions from the first session.
3. Mentoring is important. I would try the hands on session of EBM STEP1 to 3. (This part was on-site activity last year.)
4. I would like to introduce more structured material for critical appraisal.
5.The support of ‘on-site’ educators is imperative. I ask for your support.
Do you manage journal clubs in your clinic? If you have, how do you manage it? Is there some implication for you?

 ↓ 画像をクリックすると全体が表示されます。



― 文献名 ―
 メディカルサポートコーチング 奥田弘美+木村智子 著 中央法規

― この文献を選らんだ背景 ―

― 要約 ―



1. 「モデリング」

2. 「ゼロポジション」

3. 「ペーシング」

4. 「オウム返し(バックトラック)」

5. 「あいづち うなずき」

6. 「Open or Close question」
 これも有名なスキルで、Closeが「はい」「いいえ」で応えられるもの、Openがそうでないもの。使い分けが大切。少し落とし穴なのが、「すごく緊張した人にいきなりOpenを浴びせると実に答えにくい」ということです。Closeのほうが緊張状態の人も答えやすいという長所があるので、初見で緊張状態の方には最初には答えやすいCloseをあびせて(例:今日は○○ということについての相談ですね?→ ハイ など)、その後にOpenを行う(そして、問診後半はまたcloseへ)という絡め手を使うなどの応用があります。

7. 「過去型(否定型)質問 or 未来型(肯定型)質問」

8. 「塊をほぐす」
 相手の発言に「抽象的な語句(だいたい、そこそこ、微妙に、いつも など)」が出てきた時にその言葉の塊を分解して具体化していくOpen question応用スキルです。貴方の「いつも」とあいての「いつも」は異なることがしばしばあり、そのギャップを埋めることで相手との気持ちの連帯感とその過程における相手の気づきを生むという効果があります。ほぐした塊は再度サマライズして相手に伝えるとさらに効果的です(これを「塊を再構成する」と呼びます)。

9. 「Iメッセージ(We メッセージ)」

10. 「承認する」

11. 「枕詞」

12. 「一時停止」

13. 「要望する」

14. 「まとめと同意」

15. 「応用:コーチング的医療面接のための3ステップ」
 ③行動をサポートする:サポート体制の整備 例:定期外来構築、各種行動変容スキル・・・

― 考察とディスカッション ―


咳はどのくらいつづくのか? システマティック・レビューのデータと患者の予測の比較

- 文献名 -

 Mark H. Ebell, MD, MS, Jerold Lundgren, BS and Surasak Youngpairoj, MD, MPH. How long does a cough last? Comparing patients’ expectations with data from a systematic review of the literature. Annals of Family Medicine. 2013 Jan-Feb; 11(1):5-13.

- この文献を選んだ背景 -


- 要約 -
 acute cough illness(ACI)に対する抗生剤乱用の原因のひとつに、ACIの自然経過と患者の予測との間の相違があるのではないか、と仮説を立て検証した。

    ■咳は3種類(黄色痰、緑色痰、乾性咳) / 発熱ある・なし

 文献によると咳症状の平均持続期間は17.8日間であった。電話調査の回答の中央値は5-7日間、平均持続期間は7.2-9.3日間であった(シナリオによって異なる)。白人、女性、自己申告で喘息あるいは慢性肺疾患に罹患していると答えた人は、症状持続期間を長めに回答する傾向があった。抗生剤が常に有用だと回答した人の独立予測因子は、有色人種(OR = 1.82, 95% CI, 1.14-2.92)、大卒以下(OR = 2.08, 95% CI, 1.26-3.45)、ACIに対する抗生剤使用歴(OR = 2.20, 95% CI, 1.34-3.55)であった。


- 考察とディスカッション -

 今回の研究の対象となった集団は、人種がちがうものの年齢層やセッティングなど現在働いているクリニックに比較的近いのではないかと感じた。患者のもつ風邪の期間に対する考え方も同じような印象をもった(たいてい1週間程経って治らないと受診する傾向にある。)私自身、風邪の治癒までの期間についてpost-infectious coughで長引くことはあるなと思いつつ、2-3週間咳が続く人には、抗生剤の処方こそしないが、結核や肺癌が心配になり、胸部Xpを撮ることがあった。ただ、この研究で咳症状のみを根拠にはしてはいけないと改めて反省した。
 また、家庭医療のコア・コンピテンシーであるPCCMにおいて、患者の持つillness expectationと臨床的事実の間のギャップを埋めるべく共通の理解基盤を構築していく過程があるが、そのバックグラウンドとして今回のようなmassな患者を対象としたillness expectationの調査は有用だと感じた。



 - 文献名 -
 Experienced Continuity of Care When Patients See Multiple Clinicians: A Qualitative Metasummary Ann Fam Med May/June 2013 vol. 11 no. 3 262-271(http://www.annfammed.org/content/11/3/262.full)

 - 要約 -
Continuity of care among different clinicians refers to consistent and coherent care management and good measures are needed. We conducted a metasummary of qualitative studies of patients’ experience with care to identify measurable elements that recur over a variety of contexts and health conditions as the basis for a generic measure of management continuity.
From an initial list of 514 potential studies (1997-2007), 33 met our criteria of using qualitative methods and exploring patients’ experiences of health care from various clinicians over time. They were coded independently. Consensus meetings minimized conceptual overlap between codes.
For patients, continuity of care is experienced as security and confidence rather than seamlessness. Coordination and information transfer between professionals are assumed until proven otherwise. Care plans help clinician coordination but are rarely discerned as such by patients. Knowing what to expect and having contingency plans provides security. Information transfer includes information given to the patient, especially to support an active role in giving and receiving information, monitoring, and self-management. Having a single trusted clinician who helps navigate the system and sees the patient as a partner undergirds the experience of continuity between clinicians.
Some dimensions of continuity, such as coordination and communication among clinicians, are perceived and best assessed indirectly by patients through failures and gaps (discontinuity). Patients experience continuity directly through receiving information, having confidence and security on the care pathway, and having a relationship with a trusted clinician who anchors continuity.



About Your Family and Community. Robert B. Taylor. MEDICAL WISDOM AND DOCTORING. The Art of 21st Century Practice. Springer, 2010.p235-248


The chapter began:
Your family can cause you more sadness than all the no-show, heart sink, and difficult patients you will encounter in lifetime. But there are two sides to the coin. Your family can also bring more joy than making a brilliant diagnosis, having a paper published in your favorite medical journal, or receiving a national award.・・・I will submit the thesis that this world is full of people and opportunities. Wise physicians pay keen attention to these factors of their life. Often-neglected life areas include full participation in marriage, family and community.

・Be a good life partner

・urture your closest relationships
 If there is one key success in life partnerships, it is the process of nurturing the relationship. This means finding ways to communicate effectively, cultivating common interests, and -most of all- spending time together.
 ・・・but the physician faces some formidable challenges in the quest for a successful intimate relationships 
  *prolonged work hours, leading to fatigue, diminished family time
  *smoldering hints of personal burnout, the result of heavy clinical obligations 
   And so on・・・

・Take good care of your family
 ・・・as you age, your family -especially your grandchildren – is your reward for being a good spouse an parent, and for taking good care of your family. Do what needs to be done now to earn this rewards later.

・Seek the right balance between work and family

・When home with family, be a person, not “the doctor” ☆☆☆

・Establish early habits of finding family time
 I suggest you that you put “family time” on your schedule. After all we physicians tend to be both compulsive and time-oriented. ・・・Try not to be distracted by phone calls or your Blackberry. 
・Spend time with your children
 We physician can provide our families with more than our share of materials advantages, but gifts, tennis clubs, and private school tuition cannot substitute for spending time with them.

・Help your children learn to appreciate the value of hard work and independent thinking
 ・・・book titled The adventures of Dr.Huckleberry・・・I tell you this book, because I believe that this rural doctor, writing of his life, provides good insight honest labor and innovation.

・Teach your children to be charitable

・Consider involving your family -spouse and children‐in your work
 ・・・I often needed to make a trip to the hospital to the hospital on Saturday or Sunday morning to see my patients. Sometimes I took daughters along・・・Today, almost four decades later, my daughter fondly recall those times with their dad.
 In that small town practice, my wife worked in the office and children often helped with cleaning rooms and stocked supplies. 

・You will inevitably be involved in the case of your own family members

・Live in the community where your patients live☆☆☆
 ・・・Yet today, physicians and their patients often live in very different neighborhoods,・・・
 Often, this separation is purposeful on the physicians part,・・・
 I believe that physician’s life in richer and the quality of healthcare enhanced if doctor and 
 patients in the same community.・・・

・Serve your community
 ・・・the physician is one of the most educated person in town.・・・With this educational endowment come obligations. ・・・
 While joining in activities with members of your community, it is perfectly Okay to have some of these persons as friends. Actually, I urge you to cultivate some friends outside of medicine, ・・・
 Getting to know a few of these people as friends can only enrich your life. 

・Wise words about your family and community
  * Introduce 9 wise remarks about doctor’s family and community.
   ”When the family fails, there’s the community: when the community fails, there’s a family ”




ファシリテーション入門 日本経済新聞社 2004
ファシリテーター養成講座 ダイヤモンド社 2007













 1.場のデザインスキル ~場をつくり、つなげる~


 2. 対人関係スキル ~受け止め、引き出す~


 3. 構造化スキル ~かみ合わせ、整理する~


 4. 合意形成スキル ~まとめて、分かち合う~






 Elizabeth L. Sampson, et al,Survival of people with dementia after unplanned acute hospital admission: a prospective cohort study, International Journal of Geriatric psychiatry, 21 December 2012.



 この研究は,ある大都市の急性期総合病院における予定しない入院となった616人の患者(70歳以上)についての前向きコホート研究である.主要な曝露因子は,DSM-Ⅳにおける認知症で,一次アウトカムは死亡リスクであった.認知症の重症度は,FAST(Functional Assessment Staging scale)で評価を行った.また,変数の範囲については,急性の生理学的変化(Acute Physiology and Chronic Health Evaluation),慢性の併存疾患(Charlson Comorbidity Index, CCI),褥瘡リスク(Waterlow score)で検討した.


 調整していない認知症患者の死亡率についてのハザード比は,1.66(95%信頼区間 1.35-2.04)で,中等症から重症の認知症患者の場合は,2.01(95%信頼区間 1.57-2.57)であった.年齢,性別,Acute Physiology and Chronic Health Evaluation,Charlson Comorbidity Index, Waterlow scoreで調整した後では,認知症の死亡リスクは,1.24(95%信頼区間 0.95-1.60)で,中等症から重症の認知症では,1.33(95%信頼区間 0.97-1.84)であった.

 認知症である人々の生存期間は,認知症ではない人々の半分である.死亡率における認知症の影響は,特に虚弱性のマーカーのひとつであるWaterlow scoreによる調整後に減少した.




 Uptodate [Anticoagulation in acute pulmonary embolism]

have some patients in home visit who are difficult to do blood test. Because
they have a fragile blood vessels and we can’t find thick and good ones. Some
patients take warfarin to prevent re-attack of pulmonary embolism, so we must
check INR every month.

wonder if it is necessary to check INR every month or it is possible to change
a drug except warfarin or stop it.

Monitoring — The
laboratory test most commonly used to measure the effects of warfarin is the INR. Warfarin therapy
for acute PE should target an INR of 2.5 (range 2.0 to 3.0) [5,40]. Randomized trials indicate
that less intense anticoagulation (INR <2.0) is associated with an increased
likelihood of recurrent PE or DVT and more intense anticoagulation is
associated with bleeding [40-44].

Following discharge, initial monitoring can be reduced to once every few days until a stable dose has been achieved [40] and then to once every four weeks [45]. INR measurements should return to the more frequent interval any time that adjustments in the dose become necessary and the more frequent interval should be continued until a stable dose is again achieved. (See “Therapeutic use of warfarin“.
Long-term therapy — After initial therapy with LMWH, UFH, or subcutaneous fondaparinux, long-term therapy is generally completed with a vitamin K antagonist, such as warfarin. Vitamin K antagonists are preferred over rivaroxaban due to the greater clinical experience with the former [5].
Duration — We advocate the following treatment durations for warfarin therapy. Recommendations for indefinite therapy ascribe a higher value to preventing recurrent PE and a lower value to bleeding, cost, and inconvenience.
•    For patients with a first episode of acute PE due to a temporary risk factor (eg, surgery, immobilization, trauma), we recommend warfarin therapy for three months, rather than a shorter or longer duration (Grade 1B). (See ‘Reversible risk factor’ above.)
•    For patients with a first episode of unprovoked acute PE, we recommend warfarin therapy for at least three months, rather than a shorter duration (Grade 1B). The potential benefits and risks of indefinite anticoagulant therapy should be assessed after the three months of anticoagulant therapy (see ‘Unprovoked’ above):
•    For patients who have a low or moderate risk of bleeding, we suggest indefinite warfarin therapy, rather than three months of therapy (Grade 2B).
•    For patients who have a high risk of bleeding, we recommend three months of warfarin therapy, rather than indefinite therapy (Grade 1B).
•    For patients with two or more episodes of acute PE, we recommend warfarin therapy for at least three months, rather than a shorter duration (Grade 1B). The potential benefits and risks of indefinite anticoagulant therapy should be assessed after the three months of anticoagulant therapy (see ‘Recurrent PE’ above):
•    For patients who have a low risk of bleeding, we recommend indefinite warfarin therapy, rather than three months of therapy (Grade 1A).
•    For patients who have a moderate risk of bleeding, we suggest indefinite warfarin therapy, rather than three months of therapy (Grade 2B).
•    For patients who have a high risk of bleeding, we suggest three months of warfarin therapy, rather than indefinite therapy (Grade 2B).
Anticoagulant therapy for
patients with an acute PE who are pregnant or have a malignancy is discussed
