
― 文献名 ―
 [ 7 strategies for creating a more efficient practice]
 Fam Pract Manag.2007 sep;14(8):27-30   http://www.aafp.org/fpm/2007/0900/p27.html

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Simple, low-cost technologies and strategic outsourcing have helped this solo physician practice efficiently, even without any staff.

It’s an ultra-solo, no-staff ideal medical practice, also known as a micro practice. Low over-head allows me to see fewer patients per day and spend more time with them, but it also requires that I optimize efficiency in order to accomplish all of the administrative tasks on my own.

I discovered one of the most delightful aspects of a micro practice: its responsiveness to change. When I decide to change something, it simply gets done. No one needs to be convinced or trained. The results are immediate and dramatic.
I’ve listed below the changes that were the most helpful in my workflow redesign:

1. Offer online appointment booking.
 I use http://www.appointmentquest.com . When patients want to make an appointment, they simply go to my Web site and follow the prompts. It saves them and me lots of phone time.

2. Delegate history-taking to patients. 
 In September 2006, I started using Instant Medical History (http://www.medicalhistory.com), which allows patients to enter their own history into their chart. 

3. Use free tools to measure how you’re doing. 
 How’s Your Health? (http://www. howsyourhealth.org) is a free online tool that collects patient-entered data regarding their health status and their perceptions of the care they have received, and it provides a sum
mary to the patient and to the doctor.

4. Use e-mail to convey laboratory and X-ray results to patients.

5. Don’t be afraid to let the answering machine pick up. 
During office hours, my message machine states, “I am currently with a patient or otherwise unable to get to the phone; please leave a message and I will call you back as soon as I can.”

6. Use electronic billing.

7. Hire a poster/biller. 
I gave up on the pure ultra-solo/no-hired-help model, mostly because I hate posting and billing.

While my practice is by no means perfectly efficient, the above changes have made my practice sustainable over the long haul. Even if you are not planning to open your own micro practice, many of the above changes in workflow and processes are applicable to any practice setting.
For those interested in practice transformation via the ideal medical practice model, join the online discussion group “practiceimprovement1” at http://www.groups.yahoo.com. It will connect you with like-minded physicians and give you information on how to nudge, nurture and shape your practice as it evolves to its truly “ideal” form.



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 池上彰の学べるニュース アベノミクス、TPP編
 池上彰 海竜社 2013.6

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・TPP(Trans-Pacific Partnership:環太平洋パートナーシップ協定)とは、太平洋に面した国々で結ぶ貿易協定である。目的は、TPPに加盟する国々の中で自由貿易を進めてそれぞれ経済を発展させよう、ということ。具体的には、加盟する国々の間の関税をなくすことである。

・今までも関税をなくしたり減らしたりする話合いは当事者である2カ国間で行われてきた。FTA(Free Trade Agreement:自由貿易協定)は主に物品を対象に、EPA(Economic Partnership Agreement:経済連携協定)は物品に加えて、サービス、人の異動、投資、知的財産などもっと幅広い分野を対象に規制をなくす協定である。

・しかしWTOには加盟国が増えすぎ(現在159カ国 ※国連加盟国193カ国)、各国の利害が対立し意見がまとまらなくなった。そのため合意までに時間がかかり、話がつく国同士で自由貿易をしようという動きがでてきた。それが2国間のFTAやEPA、さらには地域ごとの自由貿易協定である。


・しかし、一方で食の安全性としてアメリカでは遺伝子組み換え食品に表示義務がなく、食品添加物の安全性にも問題が残る(認められている食品添加物 日本:653種類、アメリカ:約1600種類)。


・遅れて参加する日本には①過去の交渉内容が見られない、②残された交渉の機会がすくない、③決定事項を覆せない可能性 があり、日本政府は「聖域」を守り、3つの課題をクリアし国民に有利な条件をどれだけ他の国々に要求できるかが課題である。


後期研修における形成評価の手段としてのWorkplace based assessment(臨床現場における学習者評価)

著者名:John Norcini and Vanessa Burch
文献タイトル:Workplace-based assessment as an educational tool
雑誌名・書籍名:AMEE guide No.31 Medical Teacher 2007 855-871

 そのためには、後期研修期間中の研修医に対する評価は欠かせない。そして、評価の中でも、日々の臨床業務での研修医の実際のパフォーマンスを評価する「WBA(Workplace-based assessment)」がこの10年で世界的にも着目され、研究が進んできた。我々も今後の後期研修の中でこのWBAを形成的評価(=試験して落とすためではなく、研修医にフィードバックし成長を促すための評価)の方法として取り入れようとしている。



①Mini-Clinical Evaluation Exercise(mini-CEX)(Figure1)
 ・原著では、9点満点(1-3 unsatisfactory, 4-6 satisfactory, 7-9 superior)として問診技術、身体診察、プロフェッショナリズム、臨床判断、カウンセリング、全体構成と能率、全体の能力について評価がなされることとなっている。

②Clinical Encounter Cards(CEC)

③Clinical Work Sampling(CWS)

④Blinded Patient Encounters(BPE)

⑤Direct Observation of Procedural Skills(DOPS)(Figure2)

⑥Case-based Discussion(CbD)(Figure3)
・clinical reasoningの評価を行い、実際の臨床現場での意思決定のうらにある根拠を評価することが目的である。大まかに20分以下の評価として、そのうち5分のフィードバックを行う。学習者は研修期間の間に異なるケースについて異なる評価者から評価を受ける。

⑦MultiSource Feedback(MSF)
・多くのフォーマットがあるが、mini-peer assessment tool(mini-PAT)はその良い例であり、UKでのFoundation Programmeで用いられている。そこでは学習者が8人の評価者を指導医、ジュニア、看護師、他の医療専門職から選択する。それぞれの評価者が構造化した質問紙を渡され、プログラム中枢部に送る。また学習者自身も同じ構造化質問紙を用いて自己評価を行う。
・MSFは卒後や現場の医師の評価にも応用されている。Sheffield Peer Review Assessment Tool(SPRAT)がfigure4にあり、実現可能性と信頼性が示されている(※先日ジャーナルクラブで扱ったものです)。また一緒に仕事をした期間などのバイアスの影響も受けないようである。信頼性を保つ為には8-12人による評価が必要である。



Short-Term and Long-Term Health Risks of Nuclear-Power-Plants Accidents

― 文献名 ―
 John P. Christodouleas, M.D., M.P.H., Robert D. Forrest, C.H.P., Christopher G. Ainsley, Ph.D., Zelig Tochner, M.D., Stephen M. Hahn, M.D., and Eli Glatstein, M.D. N Engl J Med 2011; 364:2334-2341

 ― この文献を選んだ背景 ―
 Many foreigners asked me about Fukushima nuclear accident when I attended in WONCA 2013 in june this year. Their questions were mainly about the present situation, risks of health problems, contamination of seawater, and what we are doing for the situation. To none of them, I couldn’t answer clearly. It is true that we don’t have enough information about this problem, but I realize that I must learn more about this problem as a health care provider, and as a Japanese.

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Reactor Accidents and the Release of Radioactive Materials

In the event of an accident, the primary concern is that the support structure (core) containing the fuel and the fission products may become damaged and allow radioactive elements to escape into the environment. When the core cooling system damaged, the reactor core and even the fuel itself can partially or completely melt, which results in explosions within the reactor, dispersing radioactive material.

In the partial meltdown at Three Mile Island, a minimal amount of radiation was released, has not yet led to identifiable health effects. On the other hand, in Chernobyl, the explosions and the subsequent fire sent a giant plume of radioactive material into the atmosphere, resulted in 28 deaths related to radiation exposure in the year after the accident. The situation at Fukushima will probably end up ranking between these two historical accidents in terms of radiation releases and health consequences.

Types of Radiation Exposure

Human radiation exposure as a result of reactor accidents is generally characterized in three ways: total or partial body exposure as a result of close proximity to a radiation source, external contamination, and internal contamination. Internal contamination occurs when fission products are ingested or inhaled or enter the body through open wounds. This is the primary mechanism through which large populations around a reactor accident can be exposed to radiation. 
Reactor accidents can release a variety of radioisotopes into the environment. The health threat from each radioisotope depends on an assortment of factors ( e.g., half-life , gaseous, substantial quantities , tendency to settle on the ground) . The release of radioactive water into the sea at the Fukushima plant has resulted in an additional route whereby the food chain may be affected, through contaminated seafood.


Type of Radiation and Dose Rates

At a molecular level, the primary consequence of radiation exposure is DNA damage. The clinical effect of radiation exposure will depend on numerous variables, including the type of exposure, the type of tissue exposed, the type of radiation, the depth of penetration of radiation in the body, the total absorbed dose, and the period over which the dose is absorbed (dose rate). The literature on radiation refers to dose in terms of both gray (Gy) and sievert (Sv). Radiation exposure can potentially result in short-term and long-term effects in every organ system in the body. Comprehensive reviews of the literature on radiation exposure have been produced by the International Atomic Energy Agency and the World Health Organization.

Acute Radiation Sickness and Its Treatment

When most or all of the human body is exposed to a single dose of more than 1 Gy of radiation, acute radiation sickness can occur. Much of our understanding of acute radiation sickness is based on the clinical experience of more than 800 patients who have been described in national and international registries of radiation accidents, and all 134 patients with confirmed acute radiation sickness at Chernobyl were either plant workers or members of the emergency response team.

Much of the short-term morbidity and mortality associated with a high total or near-total body dose is due to hematologic, gastrointestinal, or cutaneous sequelae. In the Chernobyl accident, all 134 patients with acute radiation sickness had bone marrow depression, 19 had widespread radiation dermatitis, and 15 had severe gastrointestinal complications. Hematologic and gastrointestinal complications are common because bone marrow and intestinal epithelium are especially radiosensitive as a result of their high intrinsic replication rate. Cutaneous toxic effects are common because external low-energy gamma radiation and beta radiation are chiefly absorbed in the skin. If total body doses are extremely high (>20 Gy), severe acute neurovascular compromise can occur. Acute radiation sickness can be categorized into three phases: prodrome, latency, and illness. (see Signs and Symptoms of Acute Radiation Sickness in the Three Phases after Exposure.)

The first step in the care of any patient who is exposed to radiation is to manage immediate life-threatening injuries, such as those from trauma or burns. The next step is to address external and internal radiation contamination, if any. Decontamination protocols are available from several sources. Once these issues have been addressed and acute radiation sickness is suspected, treatment is guided by the estimated total dose, which is determined on the basis of the initial clinical symptoms, lymphocyte depletion kinetics, and cytogenetic analyses, when available.

Patients with modest whole-body doses (<2 Gy) may require only symptomatic support for nausea and vomiting. In patients with whole-body doses of more than 2 Gy, the treatment of the consequences of bone marrow depletion is paramount. Strategies include management of infections with antibiotics and antiviral and antifungal agents, the use of hematopoietic growth factors, and possibly bone marrow transplantation. The use of bone marrow transplantation is controversial, since outcomes after radiation accidents have been poor. After Chernobyl, only 2 of the 13 patients who underwent bone marrow transplantation survived long term. Among the 11 patients who died, complications from transplantation appeared to be the primary cause of death in 2 patients. Gastrointestinal radiation sequelae are managed with supportive care and possibly with the use of prophylactic probiotics. Cutaneous radiation injuries may evolve over the course of weeks. Treatment of such lesions involves minimizing acute and chronic inflammation with topical glucocorticoids while avoiding secondary infections. Several organizations have developed detailed treatment algorithms for acute radiation sickness that are publicly available. Increased Long-Term Cancer Risks

In the region around Chernobyl, more than 5 million people may have been exposed to excess radiation, mainly through contamination by iodine-131 and cesium isotopes. Although exposure to nuclear-reactor fallout does not cause acute illness, it may elevate long-term cancer risks. Studies of the Japanese atomic-bomb survivors showed clearly elevated rates of leukemia and solid cancers, even at relatively low total body doses. However, there are important differences between the type of radiation and dose rate associated with atomic-bomb exposure and those associated with a reactor accident. These differences may explain why studies evaluating leukemia and nonthyroid solid cancers have not shown consistently elevated risks in the regions around Chernobyl.

However, there is strong evidence of an increased rate of secondary thyroid cancers among children who have ingested iodine-131. Factors that increase the carcinogenic effect of iodine-131 include a young age and iodine deficiency at the time of exposure. 
In accidents in which iodine-131 is released, persons in affected areas should attempt to minimize their consumption of locally grown produce and groundwater. However, since the half-life of iodine-131 is only 8 days, these local resources should not contain substantial amounts of iodine-131 after 2 to 3 months. On the advice of public health officials, area residents may take potassium iodide to block the uptake of iodine-131 in the thyroid. To be most effective, prophylactic administration of potassium iodide should occur before or within a few hours after iodine-131 exposure. The administration of the drug more than a day after exposure probably has limited effect, unless additional or continuing exposure is expected.


Because nuclear-reactor accidents are very rare events, few medical practitioners have direct experience in treating patients who have been exposed to radiation or in the overall public health response. Organizations that could be involved in either activity — because of their proximity to a power plant or their role in the health system — must put detailed algorithmic response plans in place and practice them regularly. A critical component of the response, with respect to both treatment of individual patients and interaction with the community, is clear communication about exposure levels and corresponding risk, with an eye toward widespread public apprehension about acute radiation sickness and long-term cancer risks.

 ― 考察とディスカッション ―
 We haven’t had many studies on this issue yet. The real amount of radioisotopes are still unclear, investigations are ongoing. So it’s not easy to practice EBM on this problem. But as a family physician, we have some methods to approach people there, for example, practicing PCCM and “being there”. At the same time, we should have knowledge about symptoms of radiation exposure and about prophylaxis of clinical consequences.
