心血管疾患のPrimary Preventionにおけるスタチンの効果

著者名:Dean A. Seehusen et al. 
文献タイトル:Statins for Primary Cardiovascular Prevention: Cochrane for Clinicians Putting Evidence to Practice.
雑誌名・書籍名:American Family Physician.
発行年: 2011; 84(7): 767-769.

54歳の男性が健診の目的で受診した。特記すべき既往歴はなく、喫煙なし、心血管疾患の加増歴なし。投薬なし。BMIが26であることを除けば身体診察に異常は認められない。Tcho 256mg/dl HDL 51mg/dl LDL 162mg/dl。あなたは彼のコレステロールレベルを下げるためにスタチンを投与することを考慮したが彼の心血管イベントのリスクが下げられるかどうか疑問に思った。


―Cochrane systematic reviewの要約―
検索の労力が重複することをさけるため、過去のシステマティックレビューの一覧をチェックした。その後、Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials (Issue1, 2007)、Medline(2001-2007年3月)、EMBASE(2003-2007年3月)を検索した。言語による制限はしなかった。
非連続データとしてRelative risk (RR) 、連続データとしてpooled weighted 平均値の差(95%CIも)を計算した。
14のランダム化比較試験(34,272人)が選択された。11の試験が特定の条件下にある患者(脂質の上昇、糖尿病、高血圧、微量アルブミン尿)を対象としていた。スタチンの投与により総死亡は減少(RR=0.83; 95%CI 0.73-0.95)、致死的・非致死的心血管系疾患の複合エンドポイントも同様に減少(RR=0.70; 95%CI 0.61-0.79)した。血行再建術についても同様の結果(RR=0.66; 95%CI 0.53-0.83)であった。総コレステロール値、LDLコレステロール値はすべての試験において減少していたが、その程度は不均一であった。スタチンの投与による重大な副作用やQOLに対する確実なエビデンスは得られなかった。
スタチンは重大な有害事象を増やすことなく総死亡、心血管系疾患の複合エンドポイント、血行再建術を減少させることが示されたが、有害事象を報告していない試験や心血管系疾患を既往に持つ患者を含んでいたり、選択的にアウトカムを報告しているものも認められた。スタチンによるPrimary preventionが費用対効果に優れているか、患者のQOLを改善するかと言う点に関しては限られたエビデンスしかない。心血管系疾患のリスクの低い患者に対してスタチンを投与することについては慎重であるべきである。

 このレビューは心血管系イベントのPrimary preventionにスタチンは有効ではないことを示しているわけではないが、心血管疾患を有さない患者におけるスタチン使用を懸念する文献の注目すべきギャップに焦点を当てている。初回の心血管系疾患を予防するためにスタチンを投与するかどうかを決定する際にはすでに妥当性が評価されているFramingham risk scoreによる患者のリスク評価がしっかり行われるべきであろう。リスクが非常に高い患者ではスタチンの投与は有効であろう。中等度、軽度リスクの患者ではスタチン使用の有効性が明らかではないため、患者にはこのエビデンスのギャップを伝え、心血管系疾患の予防効果の可能性と、薬を飲む不便さ、コスト、有害事象について議論した上で投与を決定すべきである。



著者名:Anthony Jerant et al.
文献タイトル:Primary Care Attributes and Mortality: A National Person-Level Study. 
雑誌名・書籍名:Ann Fam Med.
発行年:January/February 2012 vol. 10 no. 1 34-41

Research demonstrates an association between the geographic concentration of primary care clinicians and mortality in the area, but there is limited evidence of a mortality benefit of primary care at the individual patient level. We examined whether patient-reported access to selected primary care attributes, including some emphasized in the medical home literature, is associated with lower individual mortality risk.

We analyzed data from 2000?2005 Medical Expenditure Panel Survey respondents aged 18 to 90 years (N = 52,241), linked to the National Death Index through 2006. A score was constructed from 5 yes/no items assessing whether the respondent’s usual source of care had 3 attributes: comprehensiveness, patient-centeredness, and enhanced access. Scores ranged from 0 to 1 (higher scores = more attributes). We examined the association between the primary care attributes score and mortality during up to 6 years of follow-up using Cox survival analysis, adjusted for social, demographic, and health-related characteristics.

Racial/ethnic minorities, poorer and less educated persons, individuals without private insurance, healthier persons, and residents of regions other than the Northeast reported less access to primary care attributes than others. The primary care attributes score was inversely associated with mortality (adjusted hazard ratio = 0.79; 95% confidence interval, 0.64?0.98; P = .03); supplementary analyses showed mortality decreased linearly with increasing score.

Greater reported patient access to selected primary care attributes was associated with lower mortality. The findings support the current interest in ensuring that patients have access to a medical home encompassing these attributes.





著者名:Clark CE.et al. 
文献タイトル:Association of a difference in systolic blood pressure between arms with vascular disease and mortality: a systematic review and meta-analysis.
発行年:2012 Mar 10;379(9819):905-14.

European Society of hypertension、European Society of Cardiologyのガイドラインでは上腕血圧の左右差は末梢血管障害に起因するということをいっており、まずはじめに確認するようにという推奨があるが、それらを正当化するエビデンスに欠けていた。(この点がnovelであり、かつrelevantな点だと思われます。)

2011年7月以前に出版されたMedline, Embase, Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature, Cochrane, and Medline In Process databasesから、左右上腕の収縮期血圧の差について記されたもので、かつ鎖骨下動脈狭窄、末梢血管障害、脳血管障害、心血管障害、もしくは生存率についてデータがあるものを検索した。左右の上腕間の収縮期血圧とそれぞれの結果の間にある関連性を統合するために変量効果モデル※(random-effect model)を用いた。


○血管造影を用い、鎖骨下動脈狭窄(50%以上の狭窄)を証明するためには、左右の収縮期血圧の差の平均が36?9 mm Hg (95% CI 35?4-38?4)であった。
○左右差が10mmHg以上では鎖骨下動脈狭窄(50%以上の狭窄)と強い関連性があった。(risk ratio [RR] 8?8, 95% CI 3?6-21?2、P<0.0001)。 ○冠動脈造影結果と血圧左右差には有意な相関はなかった。(RR1.1, 95% CI 0.8-1.6、P=0.64) 非侵襲的な研究において、 ○冠動脈疾患の既往と血圧左右差の相関はない(figure2) ○15mmHg以上の左右差と各疾患との関連は以下の通りであった。 末梢血管障害(9cohorts; RR2?5,95% CI 1?6-3?8; sensitivity 15%,9-23;specificity96%, 94-98) (figure4.A)   脳血管障害の既往 (5 cohorts; RR 1?6, 1?1-2?4; sensitivity 8%, 2-26; specificity 93%, 86-97) (figure3)     ただし、10mmHg以上だと有意な相関なし、 15mmHg以上でも同時測定法だと有意差なし/同時ではない測定法だと有意差あり(上記)   心血管疾患による死亡率 (4 cohorts; hazard ratio [HR] 1?7, 95% CI 1?1-2?5) (figure5)   総死亡率 (4 cohorts; HR 1?6, 95%CI 1?1-2?3) (figure5) ○10mmHg以上の左右差と各疾患との関連は以下の通りであった。   末梢血管障害 (5 studies; RR 2?4, 1?5-3?9; sensitivity 32%, 23-41; specificity 91%, 86-94)(figure4.A) <解釈> 上腕の収縮期血圧左右差が10mmHg以上、もしくは15mmHg以上により、さらなる血管評価が必要な患者の同定に役立つ。15mmHg以上の左右差は血管疾患や死亡のリスクの有用な指標になりうる。 【開催日】 2012年7月4日


1Julius Centre for Health Sciences and Primary Care, University Medical Centre Utrecht, PO Box 85500, 3508 GA Utrecht, Netherlands;2Department of Geriatrics, University Medical Centre Utrecht
Validation of two age dependent D-dimer cut-off values for exclusion of deep vein thrombosis in suspected elderly patients in primary care: retrospective, cross sectional, diagnostic analysis
雑誌名・書籍名:BMJ 2012;344:e2985 doi: 10.1136/bmj.
発行年:e2985 (Published 6 June 2012)

To determine whether the use of age adapted D-dimer cut-off values can be translated to primary care patients who are suspected of deep vein thrombosis.

Retrospective, cross sectional diagnostic study.

110 primary care doctors affiliated with three hospitals in the Netherlands.
Participants 1374 consecutive patients (936 (68.1%) aged >50 years) with clinically suspected deep vein thrombosis.

<Main outcome measures>
Proportion of patients with D-dimer values below two proposed age adapted cut-off levels (age in years×10 μg/L in patients aged >50 years, or 750 μg/L in patients aged ?60 years), in whom deep vein thrombosis could be excluded; and the number of false negative results.

Using the Wells score, 647 patients had an unlikely clinical probability of deep vein thrombosis. In these patients (at all ages), deep vein thrombosis could be excluded in 309 (47.8%) using the age dependent cut-off value compared with 272 (42.0%) using the conventional cut-off value of 500 μg/L (increase 5.7%, 95% confidence interval 4.1% to 7.8%). This exclusion rate resulted in 0.5% and 0.3% false negative cases, respectively (increase 0.2%, 0.004% to 8.6%).The increase in exclusion rate by using the age dependent cut-off value was highest in the oldest patients. In patients older than 80 years, deep vein thrombosis could be safely excluded in 22 (35.5%) patients using the age dependent cut-off value compared with 13 (21.0%) using the conventional cut-off value (increase 14.5%, 6.8% to 25.8%). Compared with the age dependent cut-off value, the cut-off value of 750 μg/L had a similar exclusion rate (307 (47.4%) patients) and false negative rate (0.3%).

Combined with a low clinical probability of deep vein thrombosis, use of the age dependent D-dimer cut-off value for patients older than 50 years or the cut-off value of 750 μg/L for patients aged 60 years and older resulted in a considerable increase in the proportion of patients in primary care in whom deep vein thrombosis could be safely excluded, compared with the conventional cut-off value of 500 μg/L.



雑誌名・書籍名:編著 北大路書房



国全体としての取り組み①保育の充実度②児童給付の水準③育児休業の有給度。男性の役割の変化軸①女性に対する男性の家事・育児の時間割合②父親による育児休暇の所得率③男性保育者の割合 これらをもとに点数化している。日本はどちらも低く、母親の孤立した育児が進行していることが推測される。



P87 図6-2

P133 図10-1



文献タイトル:Speed of updating online evidence based point of care summaries: prospective cohort analysis
雑誌名・書籍名:BMJ 2011

 To evaluate the ability of international point of care information summaries to update evidence relevant to medical practice.

 Prospective cohort bibliometric analysis.

 Top five point of care information summaries (Clinical Evidence, EBMGuidelines, eMedicine, Dynamed, UpToDate) ranked for coverage of medical conditions, editorial quality, and evidence based methodology.

<Main outcome measures>
 From June 2009 to May 2010 we measured the incidence of research findings relating to potentially eligible newsworthy evidence. As samples, we chose systematic reviews rated as relevant by international research networks (such as, Evidence-Based Medicine, ACP Journal Club, and the Cochrane Collaboration). Every month we assessed whether each sampled review was cited in at least one chapter of the five summaries. The cumulative updating rate was analysed with Kaplan-Meier curves.

From April to December 2009, 128 reviews were retrieved; 53% (68) from the literature surveillance journals and 47% (60) from the Cochrane Library. At nine months, Dynamed had cited 87% of the sampled reviews, while the other summaries had cited less than 50%. Overall, 114 systematic reviews (89%) had been cited by at least one point of care summary. The median follow-up time was 33 weeks (range 1-60). Table 2. reports the proportions of citations by summaries over time and the hazard ratio for each summary compared with the top performer. The updating speed of Dynamed clearly led the others. For instance, the hazard ratios for citations in EBM Guidelines and Clinical Evidence versus the top performer were 0.22 (95% confidence interval 0.17 to 0.29) and 0.03 (0.01 to 0.05). This means that the updating speed of Dynamed is 78% and 97% greater than those of EBM Guidelines and Clinical Evidence, respectively. The
median time to citation was 7.7 weeks (range 7-8.2) for Dynamed and 42 weeks (range 34-maximum not reached) for EBM Guidelines.

Firstly, the total number of citations in the point of care information products should have been taken into account. Secondly, citational analysis counts only bibliographic references without going deeply into the content of the citation.  Qualitative analysis of the updating process and how new evidence is incorporated and affects recommendations should also be taken into account in assessing whether one summary is better than others. We did not directly assess how many systematic reviews in our sample called for a change in clinical practice. 
Finally, we did not consider the updating of results from studies with other designs (such as randomised clinical trials) as we think that systematic reviews are preferable to support decision making at the point of care..

 Other studies have assessed other dimensions such as user’s satisfaction, how well different online point of care services answered questions arising in daily clinical work, content development, and evidence based soundness. Updating is only one aspect of the overall quality of a point of care product. But, point of care information summaries include evidence relevant to practice at different speeds. A qualitative analysis of updating mechanisms is needed to determine whether greater speed corresponds to more appropriate incorporation of new information.

This literature cannot say which point of care summaries is superior to others. But, it is useful for me to know the difference of the Top 5 point of care summaries.
I’m getting interest in the approaches to content development which found in “Reasons for different updating speeds” section. 
“The updating process is based on two phases: identifying important new evidence and assessing whether it offers new information that might change recommendations for clinical practice. In addition, a third phase exists in which the new evidence should be included in the “old” body of knowledge. Updating is not only a matter of literature surveillance but implies a critical evaluation of what a new item of knowledge adds to other works and what that means for clinical practice.”
There is no major differences between products in the first phase, but in the second and third phase, how a new evidence is deemed relevant and then incorporated into the body of the summary probably largely dictates the different updating speeds.  
This process is similar in mechanism to our practice, I think.






著者名:Derek J. Hoare, PhD et al.  
文献タイトル:Systematic Review and Meta-Analyses of Randomized Controlled Trials Examining Tinnitus Management.
発行年:121:1555?1564, 2011

・英国の健康省は耳鳴りの評価とマネジメントのためのGood Practice Guideを作成



検索に用いたデータベースは、PubMed、Cambridge Science Abstract ( Medline等含む )、EMBASE





Cohen’s d*を用いて効果量を計算した。
*negligible effect:-0.15 =120813_5




 RCTなし *情報提供/患者教育、リラクゼーション、CBT、TRTとして提供されている







<耳鳴り順応療法 (音治療とカウンセリング);TRT>








・ 次郎「三郎は『患者は無知だ』という大柄な態度」
・ 三郎「無知でわがままな『患者様』に丁寧に対応していたら、まともな医療は行えない」

・ 施設長が利用者に怒るので、「怒るのはやめて欲しい」と言っても、「キミたち作業療法士は作業療法をわかってない!」逆に怒られてしまう。

・ 以前の職場は専門職の違いにとらわれず、お互いに協力し合っていたが、新しい職場は連携すらない。現状を変えようとしたら、逆に苦情が入った。

・ 40年以上入院している患者に「家族に会いたい」と言われ、病棟カンファレンスで「家族に合わせてやりたい」と言ったが、主治医や看護師長に許可してもらえず、患者は1年後に自殺した。患者の希望に答えられなかった自分をずっと責め続けている。




  具体例 医師 「患者にいきなり癌を告知するのはよくない」
      解明師 「それはどういう意図で言っているのですか?」

  具体例 理学療法士「あの介護士はまったく信用できない」
      解明師     「なぜそこまで言い切れるのですか?」

  具体例 介護福祉士「これまでのやりとりから、私には介護の効率性に関心があることがわかりました」
      看護師    「私は安全に病棟生活を送ることに、関心があったと思います」
      作業療法士 「私は患者のADLの自立に関心がありました」
      解明師    「なるほど。皆さんそれぞれ関心が異なるわけですが、互いに相手の関心事のなかで納得できそうなものはありませんか?」



著者名:Garbutt JM, Banister C, Spitznagel E, Piccirillo JF.
文献タイトル:Amoxicillin for acute rhinosinusitis: a randomized controlled trial.
発行年:2012 Feb 15;307(7):685-92.

<Context >
Evidence to support antibiotic treatment for acute rhinosinusitis is limited, yet antibiotics are commonly used.

To determine the incremental effect of amoxicillin treatment over symptomatic treatments for adults with clinically diagnosed acute rhinosinusitis.
Design, Setting, and Participants  
A randomized, placebo-controlled trial of adults with uncomplicated, acute rhinosinusitis were recruited from 10 community practices in Missouri 
between November 1, 2006, and May 1, 2009.

<Interventions > 
Ten-day course of either amoxicillin (1500 mg/d) or placebo administered in 3 doses per day. All patients received a 5- to 7-day supply of symptomatic treatments for pain, fever, cough, and nasal congestion to use as needed.
Main Outcome Measures  
The primary outcome was improvement in disease-specific quality of life after 3 to 4 days of treatment assessed with the Sinonasal Outcome Test-16 (minimally important difference of 0.5 units on a 0-3 scale). Secondary outcomes included the patient’s retrospective assessment of change in sinus symptoms and functional status, recurrence or relapse, and satisfaction with and adverse effects of treatment. Outcomes were assessed by telephone interview at days 3, 7, 10, and 28.

A total of 166 adults (36% male; 78% with white race) were randomized to amoxicillin (n = 85) or placebo (n = 81); 92% concurrently used 1 or more symptomatic treatments (94% for amoxicillin group vs 90% for control group; P = .34). The mean change in Sinonasal Outcome Test-16 scores was not significantly different between groups on day 3 (decrease of 0.59 in the amoxicillin group and 0.54 in the control group; mean difference between groups of 0.03 [95% CI, −0.12 to 0.19]) and on day 10 (mean difference between groups of 0.01 [95% CI, −0.13 to 0.15]), but differed at day 7 favoring amoxicillin (mean difference between groups of 0.19 [95% CI, 0.024 to 0.35]). There was no statistically significant difference in reported symptom improvement at day 3 (37% for amoxicillin group vs 34% for control group; P = .67) or at day 10 (78% vs 80%, respectively; P = .71), whereas at day 7 more participants treated with amoxicillin reported symptom improvement (74% vs 56%, respectively; P = .02). No between-group differences were found for any other secondary outcomes. No serious adverse events occurred.

Among patients with acute rhinosinusitis, a 10-day course of amoxicillin compared with placebo did not reduce symptoms at day 3 of treatment.





文献タイトル:Incidence of adenocarcinoma among patients with Barrett’s esophagus
雑誌名・書籍名:A N Engl J Med.
発行年:011 Oct 13;365(15):1375-83.


Accurate population-based data are needed on the incidence of esophageal adenocarcinoma and high-grade dysplasia among patients with Barrett’s esophagus.

We conducted a nationwide, population-based, cohort study involving all patients with Barrett’s esophagus in Denmark during the period from 1992 through 2009, using data from the Danish Pathology Registry and the Danish Cancer Registry. We determined the incidence rates (numbers of cases per 1000 person-years) of adenocarcinoma and high-grade dysplasia. As a measure of relative risk, standardized incidence ratios were calculated with the use of national cancer rates in Denmark during the study period.

We identified 11,028 patients with Barrett’s esophagus and analyzed their data for a median of 5.2 years. Within the first year after the index endoscopy, 131 new cases of adenocarcinoma were diagnosed. During subsequent years, 66 new adenocarcinomas were detected, yielding an incidence rate for adenocarcinoma of 1.2 cases per 1000 person-years (95% confidence interval [CI], 0.9 to 1.5). As compared with the risk in the general population, the relative risk of adenocarcinoma among patients with Barrett’s esophagus was 11.3 (95% CI, 8.8 to 14.4). The annual risk of esophageal adenocarcinoma was 0.12% (95% CI, 0.09 to 0.15). Detection of low-grade dysplasia on the index endoscopy was associated with an incidence rate for adenocarcinoma of 5.1 cases per 1000 person-years. In contrast, the incidence rate among patients without dysplasia was 1.0 case per 1000 person-years. Risk estimates for patients with high-grade dysplasia were slightly higher.

Barrett’s esophagus is a strong risk factor for esophageal adenocarcinoma, but the absolute annual risk, 0.12%, is much lower than the assumed risk of 0.5%, which is the basis for current surveillance guidelines. Data from the current study call into question the rationale for ongoing surveillance in patients who have Barrett’s esophagus without dysplasia. (Funded by the Clinical Institute, University of Aarhus, Aarhus, Denmark.). 
